Sonus Faber Amati G5 vs Lilium

Anyone able to say how much of a jump up this is?  Given the price difference, is it fair to assume it’s a night and day difference and an incremental one.  Thanks for any help!


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

I have heard them both and own Amati Traditional. I guess I have to say definitely worth the money. I have to sidestep the categorization because of the subjectivity. The sound quality is higher… more dynamic, with greater impact and nuance, anlso ability to fill a larger room. If both are options, I would unhesitatingly get the Lilium.

While perhaps not top in most audiophiles mind, as simply stunning the Amati are the Lilium are truly works of art. The larger size and more complicated form makes them absolutely gorgeous. I mean something worthy of displaying lite up even if they produced no sound. The design and workmanship is breathtaking and flawless. I don’t know how anyone could produce something so beautiful. After decades of ugly black boxes and monoliths… what a change to behold the Lilium.