Sonic inpact of spike/floor protectors

Just wondering:

We all know about the sonic benefits of using spikes under our speakers. But doesn't putting those little puck-like floor protectors between the spikes and the floor negate the benefits of using the spikes? Since the idea behind the spikes is to mechanically ground the speakers by concentrating the contact point of the speaker/floor interface, it seems to me that by using the floor protectors we are defeating the benefits. Why not skip the spikes altogether, if damaging the floor is out of the question? What am I missing here? Thoughts please.

Showing 1 response by cytocycle

You can couple with spikes or decouple with isolation (Bearings/Sistrum)

You option is to Float the speakers I have great success using Aurio Pro's. I float both of my subs this way and it beats the stock footers.

I used Sistrum SP4 stands also with the spike protector and there was still a huge difference but their brass protectors are still meant to help. I have also tried it without spikes directly on my carpet and the bass is muddier because the speaker is so low and it is not de-coupled or coupled.
