I have an SFL-1 (hybrid); SFL-2 (all tube); and two SF Line 2's (one in my SS system one for my tube system). As you can see I am a real Sonic Frontiers fan. No reliablity problems at all on any of the preampts (or power amps) in 10 years.
Great sound. Tube without the bloat or slugishness. Precise attack without brass/glare. Tube sound decay (musical).
Great remote on Line 2s. Best headphone amp I have ever heard (though I am not an expert on ultra-high end headphones).
Good buys on the used market and great current service.
What's not to like?
Great sound. Tube without the bloat or slugishness. Precise attack without brass/glare. Tube sound decay (musical).
Great remote on Line 2s. Best headphone amp I have ever heard (though I am not an expert on ultra-high end headphones).
Good buys on the used market and great current service.
What's not to like?