Sonic Frontiers- Quality and Reliability?

The SF Line 1 and Line 2 intrigue me because they offer so many features- balanced in/out, headphone out(any good?), remote control, and so on. But, I've read a number of comments about the poor reliability of the Sonic Frontiers Preamps.

From you guys using this product, can you please advise me?

Is the Line 1 or 2 good sonically?
Is the headphone function decent?
How's the reliability?

Thanks in advance for your guidance!

I have an SFL-1 (hybrid); SFL-2 (all tube); and two SF Line 2's (one in my SS system one for my tube system). As you can see I am a real Sonic Frontiers fan. No reliablity problems at all on any of the preampts (or power amps) in 10 years.

Great sound. Tube without the bloat or slugishness. Precise attack without brass/glare. Tube sound decay (musical).

Great remote on Line 2s. Best headphone amp I have ever heard (though I am not an expert on ultra-high end headphones).

Good buys on the used market and great current service.

What's not to like?
Ive had my line 3 for 3 years and have never had an issue with it. I have it connected to a Pass x-350.
A close friend of mine and fellow Audiogoner had Power 3's for nearly four years that he subjected to heavy use -- he never had to replace a single tube (not even an output tube) or had to have it serviced.
I am also a SF Line 3 owner with 4 years of exceptional performance and completely reliable service. It's a tremendous pre and was a tremendous value when new... at the going used 'gon prices they are a steal for what you're getting. Top quality, ultra refinement, incredible flexibility and superb sound. I'm told there's more difference between the 2 and 3 than there is between the 1 and 2 but I've never made the comparisons personally. I will attest to how pleased I am and can confidently recommend the product(s).
Wow- Great responses guys- I truly appreciate it.

Sounds like the Line 3 is much better than the Line 2...unfortunately, I think the price of a Line 3 exceeds my available hi-fi fun money right now.

Any Happy Line 2 owners out there who haven't moved on to the Line 3 yet?