Sonic Frontiers Line 2 or 1 compared to new SE

I've used and enjoyed an SF Line 2 for near 4 years, but my dealer has never had the SE versions either as demos or in stock, and I've not heard them. Are there some out there who have had the opportunity to compare the Line 2 (or Line 1) to the SE versions? And if so what did you think?

SF is now offering factory up-grades and I'm seriously considering having it done. Any observations or thoughts on these pre-amps and/or the SE versions. I see they are now putting 2 NOS Seimens and 4 Brimars in the SE versions (they ran out of Valvos). But I tried the Valvos in my stock Line 2 and found them to be too bloomy and diffuse for my taste and went back to the stock Sovteks. Thanks. Craig

Showing 1 response by buckingham

Garfish, the local dealer in my home town has informed me that the SE versions are much better than the normal versions of line 1 and 2. I would also play around with NOS tubes in the meantime. I did the same thing here with the NOS tubes I got... I keep going back to the stock Electo-Harmonix tubes. Although I did leave those new Mullard CV4004's in there! If you have 12AX7's in there I would definitely listen to them. I got mine at