Sonic Frontiers 2 with Wilson WP6.

I am considering replacing my BAT VK-60 with something else to drive my watt puppy 6's. Although I love the sound, my BAT has taken to being somewhat of a problem child lately. I've recently sent both the left and right channels back and yet it continues to blow fuses for no good reason. Having said that, the service at BAT has been wonderful. Very fast and always easy to get ahold of someone.

The Sonic frontiers seems like a good choice for several reasons, namely it has a bit more power and more importantly an unusually low output imedance (0.3 ohms at 1kHz) for a tube amp. This would seem to be a good thing with the WP's since they dip into the mid 2's at certain frequencies. The SF also seems to be a great value for the $$$. Does any one have any experience with the SF with or without WP's?

By the way, I just grabbed my McCormakc DNA 0.5 and I must say it sounds damm nice! What a sweet little amp.
I have owned SF Power 2, 2SE, 3, BAT 150, 75SE, and now 150SE. I have powered Wilson Watt/Puppy 5.1 with Power 3 before but it didn't do it for me, Wilson needed more power than Power 3 can provided.

I have compared 75SE to Power 2 and Power 2SE (as well as ARC VT-100 Mk 2 & 3) extensively using Amati Homage, 75SE is so so so far ahead of the pack I would not even think they are in the same class. granted, 75SE goes for twice as much as Power 2, but the sound difference is well worth the money.

if you can swing 150SE, you will not regret it. at least go for Power 3 if you want to stay with Sonic Frontiers, I had Line 3SE with Power 3 for a while and it was a very nice combo for the money.
I think I will - just as soon as I can find one! The one I was looking at is gone now.

As I mentioned I had been using a BAT VK-60 and I must say, despite all I've read, I don't think this is a good match for the WP's due to the VERY high output impedance of the BAT as discussed in the stereophile review. (At least in the non-bridged mode.) On the other hand, the SF has an incredably low output impedance, even accross the 8 ohm taps.

By the way, I hooked up my Conrad Johnson Premier 11A amp last night and the sound, to my ears, was markedly improved. Much more seemless, which I would attribuite to the lower output impedance of the CJ (around .4 Ohm). The same is true when I hook up my McCormack DNA 0.5. (No output impedance issues with SS amps, of course.)
I used to frequent a dealer who sold SF and Wilson and spent a lot of time listening to various combinations of those 2 product lines. It really sounded great.I don't know if I heard that exact combo, seems like it was Witt II and a 3 I heard the most but the sound should be similar. Go for it.
I will gladdly tell you what I know. I have two Power 2's, one with 6550 and one with kt88 output tubes. I used them with wp6's and now wp7's. Also have a ml23.5 that I have used with both speakers. It would be much easier to TALK with you so I can answer your questions in REAL time.
Denny Daniels