Sonic atributes ultralinear vs tetrode vs pentode

What are the sonic attributes of and amp running in Ultralinear vs tetrode vs Pentode. Looking to get a new amp, but live in a rural area can't audition them all. I don't like what I have heard from Ultralinear amps, too hard sounding for me. A lot of new pentode amps on the market, can't audition any. Why pick one over the other?

Showing 8 responses by audiofeil

Is "most" defined as 2/3?

Wish I would have known this in high school. Instead of telling my folks my exam score was 66, I could have said I got most of the questions right.

>>12-18-11: Mcphersn
I'm enough of a boob to be ignorant of whatever has pulled your chain, but I don't think that you are making much of a contribution by making it unpleasant for Ralph to respond to this forum.<<

I think Ralph does a fine job promoting his ideas and products in the forums.

Trelja won't scare him away.

Hi Mcphersn
I stand by my work and take full credit for it.

However, you provided me all I needed.

Looking forward to more opportunities.
Trelja, IMO white papers written by companies and/or individuals with a financial interest in the content should be dismissed as marketing and sales tools.

You see a lot of that here on Audiogon.