Songs of debauchery and excess

Ive seen some humorous confessions on these boards lately I wont name names Im sure none of the members are currently using drugs or abusing alcohol anyway, but these admissions of events that took place in our wild youth got me thinking that Ive always loved a good song about this subject and I wondering if there were any other fans? Im gonna go with a classic but there are just so many good ones . Commander Codys “ Lost in the Ozone again”. Seems like a decent Sunday afternoon topic?


Showing 2 responses by toddsyr

Without question, the song that says it all:

Ian Dury and The Blockheads- Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

@bikeboy52 You’re welcome. That’s one of the many joys of music. It brings up old memories. I never saw Ian Dury and The Blockheads live but that song played a lot on the FM dial back in the day. Being in high school at the time, we adopted it as our anthem. Our anthem now is Work & Sleep & Pay Those Bills.