Song With Best Beginning

I'll nominate Like a Rolling Stone, Thunder Road, and New York City Serenade.

Showing 2 responses by jsd52756

Mapmans nomination about Higher & Higher is good. I never realized it was a rocket taking off. I gotta go listen again tonight on vinyl. The Moodys certainly had a few great albums with cool intros. " ...and now to suit our great computer you're magnetic ink".
But I've got to say "School" by Supertramp is pretty cool. Hearing the kid scream in a good system brings chills to the spine.
Back in '72/'73 there were three albums that came out with a heart beat as the first song/intro.
Tull's "Passion Play"
ELP's "Trilogy"
Floyds, "Dark Side of the Moon"
I quite often wondered how they all came about to be released around the same time with the same intro. I figured the producers were out slamming ales somewhwere in Great Briton and got to talking about music production. I could hear them in the morning, " Ive gah' a brilliant eye-deeya. We'll star' wih' an arhbeyt."