Son of Ampzilla/Thoebe. Are they worth turning on?

I recently got my hands on a Son of Ampzilla amp and Thoebe pre-amp. Are they worth cleaning up and turning on or has their sonic day passed? What are some of the common problems with these? I heard the rumor that some parts are no longer available. Any advice? I am an assembler not a technican so please not too much tech talk. I figure you 'gons will give me the straight story. As I understand, in their day, they were considered truly hi-fi. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by celtic66

These pieces have very high quality parts and were certainly in the sonic ballpark in their time. Search out Gasworks for the man who keeps the GAS flame burning. He has all the parts, repairs and will completely rebuild any of the models or even upgrade. The amps were certainly better than the preamps which tended toward very harsh.

The Son sounds better than the Ampzilla, however the Grandson was really the smoothest of the line. Good luck.