Sometimes Less is More?

I have a 12x12 sunroom with cathedral ceiling, tile floor, and windows on three sides.

It is by far the hardest room in my house acoustically.

I find less is more in this room. Small Triangle Titus monitors that only go down to 50 some hz or so seem to do best in there. Other speakers I use in there that extend lower tend to overpower the room resulting in fat obscuring bass.

So I am of the opinion that sometimes less is more, even in high end audio.

How about you?

Showing 1 response by nonoise

My 'sunroom' is outside and around the corner from my front door. Its open all around and above as well. Nothing would work there since its technically outside.

All kidding aside, my only room to listen in is my living room in my apartment which is about 10' X 15' and about 8' in height. Being in the same boat, so to speak, I'd agree wholeheartedly that less is more due to room overloads and all that's negative about smallish rooms. My speakers only go down to 40Hz or so but it sounds great. One doesn't need much to achieve great results when one operates in the nearfield.

It also helps to keep the operating budget in a realistic realm as well.