Something Vintage

All self respecting audiophiles should have something Vintage in their main rig.

I have a pair of Acrisound Chicago transformers and various vintage caps in my Deja Vu 45 PP Monoblocks.

What's your something Vintage?

Reverence or superior materials and application?

I have to admit, I think vintage components are way cool and I can't definitively answer my own question regarding superiority. I will say that some Vintage components applied correctly adds a richness of tone that I find very appealing and natural.

Showing 1 response by french_fries

i just wish i still had some of my old Lafayette catalogs so i could look at all of the pictures and descriptions of vintage gear. when you're 15 yo even $500 for a Reel-to-Reel (or maybe a Crown international deck for $1500!) seemed so out of reach... and the quality level of the receivers and turntables were SO much better than the TV-Stereo consoles that were selling at department stores.
but STILL i could stare at the pictures for hours on end.
FINALLY with all of my nagging and whining (and by the time i was in high-school) my Father bought a Fisher Stereo Compact Receiver-Turntable with a pair of 10" two-way speakers. even with just 28W/CH i thought it sounded wonderful. and because he had pretty good taste he started bringing home some terrific jazz and classical alblums- Beethoven, Sarah Vaughn, Dave Brubeck. (i still wasn't satisfied until i added some Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix, etc.) BUT i will NEVER FORGET how much i enjoyed EVERY MINUTE of listening to FM Radio and Vinyl- maybe even more than i do now...