Something strange with imaging

Hello all,

I am using a Kuzma Stabi S turntable with Stogi tonearm and Soundsmith modified Sumiko Blackbird.  I have 2 preamps I use for the player.  An EAR 864 and a Parasound JC3/JC2 combo.  I don't play vinyl often.  Something strange has been happening lately. The image has been pulling to the left.  It happens with both pre-amps. First thought was the cables from the player.  I switched the right to left an left to right.  Low and behold , the imaging was spot on, albeit reversed.  This occurs with both pre-amps. Could it be a stylus azimuth or VTA  issue?  Any thoughts?


Showing 3 responses by rauliruegas

@yeti42  : When the OP revered the cables everything is ok, so I don't think the cartridge could have a problem with stylus/suspension because if it had then in both situations the OP was hearing the same but in the other channel.



Dear @olp88 :  I told you that leave that way, it's spot on with reversed cables. Whay bother about, reversed cables does not makes any harm to what you are listening.


Now, what could be reversed could be the tonearm internal wires but again why bother about when you are listening fine with the reversed cables.

Is up to you.



Dear @olp88  : I think is not by cartridge/tonearm set up but could be that the tonearm wires are wired in reverse way. You can leave in that way with the cables reversed.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
