Something strange with imaging

Hello all,

I am using a Kuzma Stabi S turntable with Stogi tonearm and Soundsmith modified Sumiko Blackbird.  I have 2 preamps I use for the player.  An EAR 864 and a Parasound JC3/JC2 combo.  I don't play vinyl often.  Something strange has been happening lately. The image has been pulling to the left.  It happens with both pre-amps. First thought was the cables from the player.  I switched the right to left an left to right.  Low and behold , the imaging was spot on, albeit reversed.  This occurs with both pre-amps. Could it be a stylus azimuth or VTA  issue?  Any thoughts?


Showing 5 responses by olp88


Hi @rauliruegas ,

I checked the tonearm wires and they are correctly attached to the cartridge. 


Hi @yeti42 ,

Correct.  When reversed, image centered.  Back to riginal way round , image again pulls left.

Dear @wlutke and @mapman and any other aspiring ENTs,

Not ear wax.  That was the first thing I checked!  All other sources including CD, streaming, and reel to reel have perfectly centered imaging through the same preamps. Any other ideas?