Something Millercarbon has preached Be A Better Listener. Do not get mired in data.

At times I agree with @millercarbon. Not often but at times.

One thing he has always preached is "Do you know how to listen"?

Well this article sheds a little light on that very subject.

Yes Chuck that was a compliment.

Just provoking some thought and I may look a tweaks a little different (just not colored rocks).


Showing 5 responses by nonoise

@jerryg123 , why are you singling me out for what everyone is saying?
Inquiring minds need to know.....

All the best,

@jerryg123 , you must have selective hearing as there's a long list of members here that have said the very same things for the longest of times but have never had the need for a fanboy following to prop them up.

Maybe it's his style of self promotion that caught your eye.
Hooked another one.

All the best,

I've long been a fan of Roger Skoff's take on audio and have linked many of his thoughts on the matter. He's a valuable resource in audio and a sage when it comes to how and what to listen for. 

Why you want to credit someone else for what Roger's been saying for decades is beyond me.

All the best,