Something Millercarbon has preached Be A Better Listener. Do not get mired in data.

At times I agree with @millercarbon. Not often but at times.

One thing he has always preached is "Do you know how to listen"?

Well this article sheds a little light on that very subject.

Yes Chuck that was a compliment.

Just provoking some thought and I may look a tweaks a little different (just not colored rocks).


Showing 8 responses by mapman

His do we even know which posters are Chuck and which are not? It’s all getting very messy these days. I better listen better. Yuck!

Oops forgot to mention: Data is a good thing not bad. How else will you decide what to listen better to?  Does not matter where your data comes from.   Could even be Millercarbon. 

Rumor has it this was the 11th commandment but did not quite make the cut. 

A good listener listens to all things and all people. A bad listener only listens to what they want to hear. So Good advice to be a good listener wherever that came from.  I think I first heard it on Romper Room maybe?   If you are going to do something then do it well. 

Some people should take their own advice including being a better listener.