Some thoughts on ASR and the reviews

I’ve briefly taken a look at some online reviews for budget Tekton speakers from ASR and Youtube. Both are based on Klippel quasi-anechoic measurements to achieve "in-room" simulations.

As an amateur speaker designer, and lover of graphs and data I have some thoughts. I mostly hope this helps the entire A’gon community get a little more perspective into how a speaker builder would think about the data.

Of course, I’ve only skimmed the data I’ve seen, I’m no expert, and have no eyes or ears on actual Tekton speakers. Please take this as purely an academic exercise based on limited and incomplete knowledge.

1. Speaker pricing.

One ASR review spends an amazing amount of time and effort analyzing the ~$800 US Tekton M-Lore. That price compares very favorably with a full Seas A26 kit from Madisound, around $1,700. I mean, not sure these inexpensive speakers deserve quite the nit-picking done here.

2. Measuring mid-woofers is hard.

The standard practice for analyzing speakers is called "quasi-anechoic." That is, we pretend to do so in a room free of reflections or boundaries. You do this with very close measurements (within 1/2") of the components, blended together. There are a couple of ways this can be incomplete though.

a - Midwoofers measure much worse this way than in a truly anechoic room. The 7" Scanspeak Revelators are good examples of this. The close mic response is deceptively bad but the 1m in-room measurements smooth out a lot of problems. If you took the close-mic measurements (as seen in the spec sheet) as correct you’d make the wrong crossover.

b - Baffle step - As popularized and researched by the late, great Jeff Bagby, the effects of the baffle on the output need to be included in any whole speaker/room simulation, which of course also means the speaker should have this built in when it is not a near-wall speaker. I don’t know enough about the Klippel simulation, but if this is not included you’ll get a bass-lite expereinced compared to real life. The effects of baffle compensation is to have more bass, but an overall lower sensitivity rating.

For both of those reasons, an actual in-room measurement is critical to assessing actual speaker behavior. We may not all have the same room, but this is a great way to see the actual mid-woofer response as well as the effects of any baffle step compensation.

Looking at the quasi anechoic measurements done by ASR and Erin it _seems_ that these speakers are not compensated, which may be OK if close-wall placement is expected.

In either event, you really want to see the actual in-room response, not just the simulated response before passing judgement. If I had to critique based strictly on the measurements and simulations, I’d 100% wonder if a better design wouldn’t be to trade sensitivity for more bass, and the in-room response would tell me that.

3. Crossover point and dispersion

One of the most important choices a speaker designer has is picking the -3 or -6 dB point for the high and low pass filters. A lot of things have to be balanced and traded off, including cost of crossover parts.

Both of the reviews, above, seem to imply a crossover point that is too high for a smooth transition from the woofer to the tweeters. No speaker can avoid rolling off the treble as you go off-axis, but the best at this do so very evenly. This gives the best off-axis performance and offers up great imaging and wide sweet spots. You’d think this was a budget speaker problem, but it is not. Look at reviews for B&W’s D series speakers, and many Focal models as examples of expensive, well received speakers that don’t excel at this.

Speakers which DO typically excel here include Revel and Magico. This is by no means a story that you should buy Revel because B&W sucks, at all. Buy what you like. I’m just pointing out that this limited dispersion problem is not at all unique to Tekton. And in fact many other Tekton speakers don’t suffer this particular set of challenges.

In the case of the M-Lore, the tweeter has really amazingly good dynamic range. If I was the designer I’d definitely want to ask if I could lower the crossover 1 kHz, which would give up a little power handling but improve the off-axis response.  One big reason not to is crossover costs.  I may have to add more parts to flatten the tweeter response well enough to extend it's useful range.  In other words, a higher crossover point may hide tweeter deficiencies.  Again, Tekton is NOT alone if they did this calculus.

I’ve probably made a lot of omissions here, but I hope this helps readers think about speaker performance and costs in a more complete manner. The listening tests always matter more than the measurements, so finding reviewers with trustworthy ears is really more important than taste-makers who let the tools, which may not be properly used, judge the experience.


Showing 5 responses by toro3

Great write-up, Erik. I found the following especially thoughtful.

The listening tests always matter more than the measurements, so finding reviewers with trustworthy ears is really more important than taste-makers who let the tools, which may not be properly used, judge the experience.

As for ASR, it’s a data point, but I’ve found it difficult to digest the toxic culture over there that Amir low key promotes. He’s the Mark Zuckerberg of audio forums - may be intelligent, but socially inept, deflects when challenged, and lacks self-awareness and accountability. 

Far more people appreciated my posts than anything from Michal. He would keep repeating the same marketing stories without a single fact backing them. I was impressed to see Roon members not appreciate that and valuing specific data, references, etc. that demonstrated his claims to be wrong.

It took me about two weeks to read the majority of that Roon thread. There was a small group of members on Roon that repeatedly backed up Amir. “Far more people appreciated my post than anything” is a little thick and is nothing more than a bias interpretation of events; perhaps even self-serving. Just because two to four members are repeatedly more vocal than the thousands of members on a forum (many of which chose not to participate) does not equate to a majority.


Agree with most you say @rtorchia. I haven’t seen too many “subjectivist whose favorite components get a negative review on ASR review become angry” across the various audio forums I frequent. By no means is this absolute as I’m sure this happens, but this didn’t happen in this thread when Amir contributed with his condescending and authoritative tone regarding his views between a Topping D90 and a Denafrips Terminator:

If in all of those 40 years, you had spent just one day doing a listening test blind, you would have been so much better off from that moment on. But no, you allowed your eyes and brain to interfere. And with it, arrived at the wrong conclusion, leading to wasting money left and right on things like that Denafrips DAC.

Many of us aren’t arguing the measurements. I’m arguing that Amir and ASR have a toxic culture that permeates other audio forums with condescending tones that have been normalized and promoted at ASR.


Paul is charismatic on camera and does have good knowledge of audio.  But be careful in believing everything he says.

Honest question, couldn’t we say the same about you? Or are there no faults with your history in audio and measurements?

Against my better judgement I will reply to this train-wreck of a thread.

"Amir was being honest with the measurement results he obtained. Science and its engineering applications are based on measurements."

I firmly believe this to be true. However, I also believe there are intangibles when it comes to audio and its reproduction. In other words, measurements don’t tell the whole story of how a certain piece of equipment sounds.

"OMG they gang up on Amir because he’s being truthful... what’s wrong with these people acting like bunch of "cry babies"."

Amir brings it upon himself. I find his responses to be childish insomuch that he portrays an attitude of self-righteousness and condescension towards anyone whose opinion differs than his.

My advice is to think and listen for yourself. I think you’ll hit a point in your audio journey where you realize that one guy doesn’t have all the answers. And if they tell you they do....probably time to move on.

ASR seems to me to be a place where hoards of people with cheap equipment are so desperate for validation that their $300 "insert piece of equipment here" is just as good as a $6000 "insert piece of equipment here" (that they’ve never heard for themselves, mind you), that they’ll resort to personal attacks. Amir leads the show over there and I find it rather appalling and ignorant. Not for me, thanks. If that's being a "cry-baby", well....I guess I've been called worse.

Well said and worth reposting.

Reading Amir’s multiple posts this morning, I repeatedly wondered if humility has ever crossed his mind while proofreading. The picture of himself  was the cherry on top - somewhat boggling why one would share, but mildly amusing at the same time.