Some thoughts on ASR and the reviews

I’ve briefly taken a look at some online reviews for budget Tekton speakers from ASR and Youtube. Both are based on Klippel quasi-anechoic measurements to achieve "in-room" simulations.

As an amateur speaker designer, and lover of graphs and data I have some thoughts. I mostly hope this helps the entire A’gon community get a little more perspective into how a speaker builder would think about the data.

Of course, I’ve only skimmed the data I’ve seen, I’m no expert, and have no eyes or ears on actual Tekton speakers. Please take this as purely an academic exercise based on limited and incomplete knowledge.

1. Speaker pricing.

One ASR review spends an amazing amount of time and effort analyzing the ~$800 US Tekton M-Lore. That price compares very favorably with a full Seas A26 kit from Madisound, around $1,700. I mean, not sure these inexpensive speakers deserve quite the nit-picking done here.

2. Measuring mid-woofers is hard.

The standard practice for analyzing speakers is called "quasi-anechoic." That is, we pretend to do so in a room free of reflections or boundaries. You do this with very close measurements (within 1/2") of the components, blended together. There are a couple of ways this can be incomplete though.

a - Midwoofers measure much worse this way than in a truly anechoic room. The 7" Scanspeak Revelators are good examples of this. The close mic response is deceptively bad but the 1m in-room measurements smooth out a lot of problems. If you took the close-mic measurements (as seen in the spec sheet) as correct you’d make the wrong crossover.

b - Baffle step - As popularized and researched by the late, great Jeff Bagby, the effects of the baffle on the output need to be included in any whole speaker/room simulation, which of course also means the speaker should have this built in when it is not a near-wall speaker. I don’t know enough about the Klippel simulation, but if this is not included you’ll get a bass-lite expereinced compared to real life. The effects of baffle compensation is to have more bass, but an overall lower sensitivity rating.

For both of those reasons, an actual in-room measurement is critical to assessing actual speaker behavior. We may not all have the same room, but this is a great way to see the actual mid-woofer response as well as the effects of any baffle step compensation.

Looking at the quasi anechoic measurements done by ASR and Erin it _seems_ that these speakers are not compensated, which may be OK if close-wall placement is expected.

In either event, you really want to see the actual in-room response, not just the simulated response before passing judgement. If I had to critique based strictly on the measurements and simulations, I’d 100% wonder if a better design wouldn’t be to trade sensitivity for more bass, and the in-room response would tell me that.

3. Crossover point and dispersion

One of the most important choices a speaker designer has is picking the -3 or -6 dB point for the high and low pass filters. A lot of things have to be balanced and traded off, including cost of crossover parts.

Both of the reviews, above, seem to imply a crossover point that is too high for a smooth transition from the woofer to the tweeters. No speaker can avoid rolling off the treble as you go off-axis, but the best at this do so very evenly. This gives the best off-axis performance and offers up great imaging and wide sweet spots. You’d think this was a budget speaker problem, but it is not. Look at reviews for B&W’s D series speakers, and many Focal models as examples of expensive, well received speakers that don’t excel at this.

Speakers which DO typically excel here include Revel and Magico. This is by no means a story that you should buy Revel because B&W sucks, at all. Buy what you like. I’m just pointing out that this limited dispersion problem is not at all unique to Tekton. And in fact many other Tekton speakers don’t suffer this particular set of challenges.

In the case of the M-Lore, the tweeter has really amazingly good dynamic range. If I was the designer I’d definitely want to ask if I could lower the crossover 1 kHz, which would give up a little power handling but improve the off-axis response.  One big reason not to is crossover costs.  I may have to add more parts to flatten the tweeter response well enough to extend it's useful range.  In other words, a higher crossover point may hide tweeter deficiencies.  Again, Tekton is NOT alone if they did this calculus.

I’ve probably made a lot of omissions here, but I hope this helps readers think about speaker performance and costs in a more complete manner. The listening tests always matter more than the measurements, so finding reviewers with trustworthy ears is really more important than taste-makers who let the tools, which may not be properly used, judge the experience.


Showing 50 responses by ricevs

The fundamental problem with ASR and the like is that they believe everything that is meaningful regarding sound reproduction can be measured. In fact, the opposite is mostly true. Most things that can be heard to sound different (and judged to be better by everyone in the room) CANNOT be measured. Here is a list of things that cannot be measured;

1. Wire......all brands and types and whether is is cryoed and which direction you use it in......all SOUND different. Thousands of posts worldwide attesting to this.

2. Resistors.......all brands of resistors and types all sound different....even if they are the same inductance and general material. For instance, I ABed four different tiny surface mount resistors that were using the same material and all were the same size......all sounded different from each other.

3. Capacitors......right now a lot of people all over the world are upgrading their caps in their preamp, amp and speakers. Tons of posts about this all over the net.

4. Connectors.....yes, they all sound different. The guy at Qualio audio stated that the WBT nextgens were the ones for his speakers.

5. Solder......yes, all brands of solder sound different. I did straight wire bypass tests on 5 different types of solder in the early 80s. The reference was 5 inch pieces of wire and then we would solder 5 solder joints onto another piece of the same wire and A/B with the wire without solder joints.....none of the brands of solder passed the test. We chose this custom silver solder as the best and ordered a bunch but 6 months later that latest Wonder Solder was better.....

6. All cables sound different.....interconnect, digital cables, HDMI cables, ethernet cables, power cables, and speaker cables......the best connector is NONE....hard wire whenever possible.

7. Footers and stands all sound different.

8. Getting cables off the floor improves sound.

9. infinity.....everything sounds different.....he he.

Practically nothing above can be measured.....but it all CAN be heard. The die hard believers in the opposite of what I just stated will never listen to find out whether what I just stated is true or not. Here is a story that illustrates this:

3 buddies were invited over to someones house who owned modified Soundlabs speaker and a super front end. One of the 3 was someone who believed that amps sound different but not interconnects......he brough his new buddy who was new to audio and had told this newby about his point of view about wire. One of the other guys brought this cable (remember the peanut butter and jelly cable by Kimber?) to A/B with my friends super litz cable that he got the idea of in a dream. When they went to A/B the cables the non believer went into the kitchen so he would not have to be in the room. Of course, he could hear the sound from the kitchen and hear their commentary. All three in the room heard the same differences (quite marked). After they were done the non believer pulled his head our the the sand and rejoined them. They did even bother trying to talk to him about what they heard for they knew he was stubborn. If he would have stayed in the room and heard the difference he would have been WRONG for all those years. And if he stayed and then stated that they both sounded the same then he would have been given the stare by them......meaning...Are you deaf? They would never trust what he says again. Of course, the ego cannot handle those two best just to avoid listening.

This is what is going on in the objectivist camp.....they just keep stating the same things over and over and then go onto forums where 90% believe otherwise and point fingrers. Of course, they kick off their forum anyone who looks like the enemy.....they kicked me off. Once they saw that I sell and promote things that cannot be measured they started calling me a thief and con man........and we don’t want thiefs and conmen on our forum now, do we. They claim that I pray on the gullible.......what a laugh. I sell my inexpensive tweaks with a 30 day money back quarantee and everyone likes them......must be a lot of fools out there.....I mean, you cannot trust your own hearing. Who is more gullible? The people that try things in their own homes and decide for themselves or a bunch of followers of a cult that professes to have all the answers?

It certainly is simpler and cheaper to be an objectivist.....heck you just need any old source, a $700 preamp....a $700 DAC a $1000 amp, $1 a foot cables and whatever cheap speakers that measure flat and can handle power and you are good to go. If the latest DAC measures slightly better then you could or could not "upgrade".....since there really is no upgrading because what you have now is perfect. Yes, indeed a gullible illusion. REAL SCIENTISTS actually try things. The best INSTRUMENT for measuring sound reality is your EARS. However, you must have your heart and mind open to begin down the road of true knowledge.....If you live in your righteous ego based will never know the truth.

What I just stated is not going to convince anyone to shift their position. As long as the ego remains the supreme ruler we will never agree......the ego likes separation and fighting. The heart loves unity and oneness. I love matter what your silly mind thinks......and I know your every one of you....loves me. Kisses and Hugs for everyone......forever. You are all infinitly beautfful.

I think you are giving him to much power. Most people see through their game and I doubt that he has put anyone out of business. Hopefully we learn not to repeat bad behavior or thinking. If we resist him seriously then he gets stronger. For whatever you resist.....persists. We are the creators here. If we want to create a loving and intelligent world then we need to act loving and intelligent. Making him an enemy or putting him down is not intelligent. Whatever you put you mind become. Allow him to be just he way he is. He is beautiful and in time he will realize this more and more. This is of course true for all of us. Concentrate on the positive. Be happy. Be of service to everyone.......just don’t give energy/attention to those that are not in the greatest service. Don’t be a fighter/ a beacon of light. Just state your truth and let it go. We are all bozos on the bus. We are all learning. Let him have his playground......and let us play in our own that is filled with infinite possibilities.

BTW, basic speaker measurements are super important. If you do not have a calibrated mic and some good software......HUH?.....why not? (very inexpensive). Speaker frequency response measurements in your room are highly informative. Especially direct sound readings. Having super off axis response is great for group listening or listening on the side of the room.......but in the hot seat (which always sounds the best even with a super great dispersion speaker)...what you hear is mostly what the mic says. If you stand up and don’t like the sound.....but never listen that way.....they why would you care. If you want sound that is great from all points in the room (standing, sitting. way off to the side) then you need a super dispersion speaker. Me, I sit in one spot.....that is where I measure. And when I measure reasonably flat response......that is how it sounds.

Most all preamps, DACs and amps measure flat frequency their measurements mean very little. When Danny Richie gets in a speaker to mod the first thing he does in measure the frequency response......then he tweaks it. It is incredible how many speakers he gets in that do not measure well and his fixes are very, very simple. Almost anyone can do what Danny does. You measure and you get one of the free xover programs out there and go to town.......the program does most the the work by telling you what values to use and how to make it flat. You then put the components in and re-measure and fine tune. This is not rocket science......There is no reason a manufacturer should make a speaker that has crazy bad reason. Does not need to happen in todays world.....Crossover design is mostly a science......of course, the parts you use and the execution all change the sound......but flat frequency response is easy as pie in todays world

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

So, are numbers on a distortion meter evidence? Sorry, no. Evidence in audio is how something sounds. You have to start with the sound and then try and figure out a way to measure it so we can repeat the great sound.....or avoid the bad sound. If you start with a myth (made up in Amir’s mind) that a certain SINAD number means total transparency (without any actual listening tests to prove it) then you have zero science.....basically it is ASR....Anti Science Review....or Amir’s Seance Review (channeling dead deaf people). It is simply childish pretense that would lead someone to think a number on a graph means something in REALITY without actually checking reality. Reality in how something is perceived by the ear......its called "sound"....percieved by doing listening tests. Real Audio science would be to listen to various things and see if you can hear a difference......if you hear a difference between say two cables......then try and find some way of quantifying it (including measurements).....THIS IS SCIENCE!!!!! The whole purpose of science to to discover what are the underlying things that make something the way it is so we can understand it and use the knowledge to better our REALITY.....and in this case our reality is how something sounds.

Yes, I am one of those who have been kicked off ASR. They did not like my point of view and threw rocks at me.....and when they found out I did mods that do not change the measurements and that I sold "tweaks" that improve the sound but that cannot be measured.....they naturally wanted to string me up for being a "immoral rip off dude" within hours I was banished to heaven......for ASR is HELL....he he.....They certainly gave me childish.

Here is a guy who hears the difference between cables and amps and lots of stuff and he is trying his best to find some reason why these 32 cables all sound different......this is real science.....unlike the fairy tale on ASR.

Happy Mothers day. I am your Mother and I love you all with all my heart and soul. You are my Mother and you love me with all your heart and soul. We are all the Mother......loving herself....and her children......we are the children, we are the Mother.....please be kind.....our mother wants us to be kind.

Your first sentence seems to come from: "I am an advanced college Physics teacher and I will tell all you kindergartners what is real. You are all too young and ignorant to understand but someday after you get your Doctorate you will then know that I speak truth."

Very funny....qualia, invariant properties, Fourier, abstract ratios, pychoacoustics. I get what you are saying, but most just roll their eyes (including me, most of the time) when you post. Just too dang many words.........I just say, "you need to listen to know anything".......I like to use the fewest words possible. If you have to say the simple truth in an encylopedia......well, I would rather put my mind and heart on the LOVE OF LOVES.

I think you should tell jokes or describe something really amazing and beautiful.....this post is a joke......and you are beautiful.....and you do not have to prove it to anyone.

Let us be still and listen and feel the divine Mother loving us.....right now and forever.......then send that love out to all our childrem (everyone on the entire planet).

Divine Mother just says yes to everything.....including what you do

Divine Father is here to teach you how to act loving. 

When you embody have a great parent.  The Divine mother part of us says first and most important of all.....I love you, you are beautiful and I am grateful and blessed by your presence.  Then the Divine Father part of us steps in and or daughter....your behavior right then was not loving.....and I am here to teach you how to be more don't do that behavior again....understand?  Then Divine mother steps in again and tells the child how much they are loved.  Of course, the child will test the parents and this game repeats itself....however, the second time the Father says......we already went throug this, if you do this again.....there will be a consequence you will not like.......then when the child does it again.....the father actualy implements the deterent as the child is being stubborn.  All the while divine mother is loving the child.

When we take our ego postion as some serious reality that needs defending then when daddy says our behavior is not great then we get angry and defensive.....we want to hurt daddy.......however, Mommy is always there loving you and daddy is actually just loving you too.  It is for your benefit that 'coach daddy" corrects us.    We become better and more loving people.  We are all "coach daddy" for each other. WE are not our ego, our opinion, we don't need to fight or argue with anyone.  We can just state our truth.  And the daddy in each of us can see the ego in each other.  Most of us are afraid to confront the ego of someone else as we don't think much of ourself and we would not want that person talking about us.....or pointing out our flaws.  What a stupid mess.....he he.  We are ALL here to grow in love and truth......and therefore we need to be able to hear what daddy has to say....and see if it is true and take the appropriate actions to make ourselves better. 

On a public forum we cannot be alpha to another.....we are all equals.  We are each others parent and child but we cannot lay down "behavior modification techniques" like a parent to a child.  However, we can still tell it like we see it.  For that helps people to grow.  They might fight against your point of view......but their soul hears the truth (if any) that you might say.  So please, tell the always serves us.  To take personally what someone else says about us is childish.  Everyones thoughts are simply them talking to themselves.  This is me talking to myself.  Who actually replies to Mahgister?.....not many. Who is he talking to?......himself.  We all talk a lot to ourself.....but is what we say to ourself the TRUTH?......or just made up fiction.

I try to make my words a teaching so others can learn to have better sound and a happier life.....more and more that is all I care about.  Why do you post?  Do you think that anyone really cares about what you say?  Are you helping anyone?  I mean helping them get a better stereo or more happiness?

The truth is very simple. If you need a lot of words and paragraphs and posts to say what you could have said in a sentence or one paragraph....then why are you doing it?  I would love to hear some simply stated words from Maghister about some things that would actually improve my sound or my happiness.  I don't want to hear the word "acoustics" said over and over.  I want some real knowledge that I can implement so I have larger goosebumps when listening.  That is what I want......a better stereo.....and most peopel here...that is what they want.  Will you help us get better sound......with very, very, very simple words? we don't tune you out because we have no idea what you are talking about.  Will you make my dreams come true.  Please help me.....divine mother that lives is is your are the MA.....she always says YES, Si, DA, JA, every language.  Yes, to everyone.....and especially the MA...hgister.

I have not read his reivew of the Nordost digital cable.....but I KNOW.....through listening tests that all digital cables sound different.  If Amir thinks he knows what something sounds like (or thinks it has no sound) without listening to is the same as someone knowing what a certain brand of chocolate tastes like by measuring it.  Our senses rule....they are more sensitive than any test gear.  Check this out.....this will make all you anti snake oil people cringe....he he.



I don't need to read articles about sound to know how to listen.  I know how to tweak my system and room pretty darn well (considering money and space restraints).  I learn new tweaks all the time and I am open to anything direct and practical you or anyone can say to help my system be more transparent. 

I really don't care that Amir and the like believe the way they do.  I don't NEED to prove him wrong.  However, the truth should be told so that people can see what is real and not real.  Very simple.  Please keep fighting, if you desire, and trying to prove yourself (evenually you will see your own beauty and magnificence and not try and prove yourself any more) and prove Amir wrong.  I have no need to fight him or you......but I will point out what I see.....and that includes how we act with each other and how we talk to each other.  Everything from the souls perspective can be the highest love and wisdom that is possible.

We can look at our motivation factor....every second....What are we wanting with the behavior and feelings that we put out.  Are we defending ourself or are we being of service? it ego or agape?.....or somewhere in between?......and if it can be upgaded to more love (agape)...then how can I act differently to raise my vibration?......for everything is vibration.  Love and joy are the highest vibration and can be experienced am not there yet.  But I have met a few people who embody continuous love and joy.

You could talk forever to Amir and read him all the books in the world and it will NOT change his mind (ie...from my point of are wasting your time).  This is how the ego defines and defends......usually till death of the body.  Fortunately...we have infinite lifetimes to get it right.......and let go of our points of view.   For the only attitude that is worthwhile is love and gratitude.  Everything else is BS.  Amir is perfectly fine the way he is...same with you and me.  But we need to speak our truth.  Be a love is the most fun....and gives the best benefit to all.  Sending you much love.

We take ourselves far to seriously.  WE ARE NOT OUR EGO.....we are not our Characters that we play....we are not our opinions.....we are not our body....we are not our country...nothing anyone can say really NEEDS to hurt us (we make it up that we can be hurt by is an illusion).  Of course, our bodies can be hurt.....but our emotional bodies....we have total control over them....(if you are awake and not acting from you subconscious mind)....We are here to learn this.....for......we are INFINITE spirit/love/joy....always were and always will be.  Everything else just fades away....because in the illusion of time.....everything dies.  When you live in care less and less about opinions and what others are too busy blissing out and blessing others.  Whatever you put your consciousness become........What do you want to become?

I send everyone love, bliss and blessings.....forever.

The bottom line is that the only way to know..."if the signal comes out unmolested" is to listen to it.......measurements with out listening is insanity. How can you know how transparent a component is (has no sound)....unless you do listening tests. You cannot assume your measurements mean anything unless there is actual LISTENING Tests that prove that your measurements mean ANYTHING at all. Amir does not know sound.....he just knows how to read his meter.....and assumes what the meter says somehow correlates to sound.......a false conclusion that is NOT based on empirical I stated before ASR stands for Amirs Seance Reviews.....for he is predicting things from the other side (the other side of reality...generally called Make Believe)......When you make up stuff that is not proven and call it is called lying. Should be ANSR.....Absolutely NO Science Review.  We are all beautiful and worthy.  However, if you make up sheet and call it truth then you really do not love yourself or anyone else.  You are not living your highest potential.  Truth is what you experience.....with all your senses (including intuition and natural knowing).  There is nothing Natural with what Amir is doing......but is it natural for humans to digress into their ego and defend over and over what they say.  There is very little chance that Amir will change his mind about anything from whatever I say or anyone else says.  This is how stroing the ego is.  It would rather be DEAD right than admit to being wrong.  I hope he does not take this lying game to his grave......but we have eternity to get it right (there is no death).  I just want to see everyone happy and living in truth.....right now.  We choose every either live in love or to be right.  Choose wisely grasshopper.

How can he be "right" if he thinks that measurements directly correlate to sound. It has NEVER, EVER been proven. He made it is yes, he is wrong......and it is a lie to state what he says as fact......when it is not proven in any way. Liar, liar, pants on fire.....he he. I am sure he is a nice guy with some people......he did kick me off his forum. He is infinite spirit and totally beautiful.....but he has forgotten that truth. I hope he wakes up...this lifetime. I pray we all wake up to our inherent beauty. I love you Amir. We all love you......but, as they said is EST......."GET OFF IT!!!" Our "positions" about anything are what get us in the way of truth and love. There is only one attitude worth having.......Love and Gratitude. All other stuff in the mind is just blah, blah, blah.....including what is in my mind. We are not our mind.....we are infnite Love.....It is through the HEART that we find happiness.......The happiness that always exists (RIGHT NOW)......our very nature. We are all so blessed and loved.

"Because we know its not true"......says classicrockfan.  The "we" are the 15%? of audiophiles that think that the only thing that matters is measurements.  The "they" are the 85%? of audiophiles that KNOW that things sound different.....because they have evidence....they heard it.  The only thing that is true in audio is what we hear.  You cannot say something is NOT TRUE when you do no listening tests.  You simply have your head in the sand and want to be right.  There are NO tests that prove what Amir and the 15% claim.....none whatsoever......because you cannot prove that things sound the same.......when, in fact, to those that listen.....they sound different. 

Amir's game is simply made up.....fantasy......And as I said before, if you base your ideas of sound on theory and not listening....then you have no real knowledge or truth.......and something stated as truth, when there has never been any proof of that therefore a big fat LIE.  All DACs and amps and preamps sound the same......big fat lie.  All cables sound the same.....big fat lie.  Amir is lying.....plain and simple......and in his soul.....he knows it.  His ego thinks he is right.  Those of us that listen do not need to do tests to prove we hear differences......because the truth is self evident.  But those that claim to know how something sounds by measurements.....they need to PROVE IT.......because those of us that listen....KNOW it is BS.  Should be A-MAGA.....Amir's Make Audio Great  He will banish forever all those high priced snake oil products and save us from those greedy bastards.........yes, that is how they think.  He is the Messiah......coming to our rescue.  Please save me Amir.....Please.  I cannot read one more review of $5000 ethernet cables.  This is all so funny.  But we need some drama.  So, here we are.  The ego knows no limits to drama. 

What is true is what we experience......More and more I experience divine love and joy.....for that is what I put my mind and attention on......more and more of the time and deeper and deeper.  This is the path of every soul on this evolve in truth and love.  How much more love can we feel today?.......there is always more.....divine love is infinite.....there are many mansions never ends.  Fighting Amir will end......when you stop fighting.  Love never the shines on and on and on and on......we are that Sun....we are that light.

Please get out in the Sun and feel the blessings of life in every cell of your body and soul (70 trillion cells in your body.....what a miracle we are!)


Where is your proof that an $80 DAC.....or any DAC for that matter, is transparent?  Where are the listening tests that PROVE what you say?  You are lying.....plain and simple.  You have no idea what transparency is since you do not listen.  Just an ego game......spinning out of control.....the same story....over and over......Meanwhile those that listen, know you are just full of hot air.  Your hot air ballon will not make you happy.  You have to embrace truth to feel happiness.....I wish you happiness......embrace the truth.  

There are tons of reviews on the Eversolo.....and UNIVERSALLY, they say the DAC is the sonic weak point.  However, even the streamer is not state of the art......not even close.  But for you midfi guys, it is great.  The guru of the midfi non believers......what a great title.  You will never convince anyone here that you have any REAL knowledge.  You just have graphs....and BS.  Of course, there is nothing we can say to break up your ego dance/self trance.......and it takes two egos to dance.   Are we having fun, yet?  However, two pure souls can dance a divine cha cha cha......quite exquisite.

Again, go outside and play.  Be in the now.  Sing a happy song......that goes for all of us.....including me.  This thread has gone on far too long.  Let us play another game.  I will not play here any more.  Enough is enough......this drama is boring....same old thing....over and over......the listeners versus the measurers.


Your sonic test might be correct (you did not test it in with stereo speakers) and .... that is not a scientific test run by many people with many toys in many systems and blind tested, etc...which is what proof is (at least that is what you preach!!!). That particular DAC might be bad......I am glad you heard a difference (OMG!!! Amir says he hears a difference). Usually, you just say they are ALL transparent. How about wires? Have you listened to wires? Can you hear a difference? Have you listened to a ton of amps and premaps and DACs and heard all the difference us serious folks hear? Of course you have not....that would upset your ego to do serious listening tests. Can you hear what getting the cables off the floor does? What if you found out you were wrong all these years and every single brand of wire sounds different from each other (which they do). Very few serious audiophiles believe your crap. Oops, I said I was over and out....well, now you can have the last word.....the ego demands it....for we have to be right. Have fun in fantasy land.

Most Wonderful Mahgister,

I am sure you are correct about what it says. You KNOW that listening rules. Your heart is beautiful.

However, the way you write and how much you write makes most of us just skip over your posts. You ever notice that practically no one says they read your articles or really replies to what you say? It is like you are just talking over and over again to yourself. Of course, we are always just talking to ourself. I try to listen and take to heart everything I say and post and think and feel and do. We don't need to read articles to know how to listen.  We listen and know.  We don't need to prove to anyone that listening rules.  We listen and know.  Do I really need to read an article that defends my listening experience?  It needs no listen and know.                            You do not do not know.

We are all a projection machine.......we see nothing but our own desires. We create....moment to moment our reality by the quality of our thoughts, words spoken, feelings felt and actions done. Whatever we put out.....becomes our reality. So, be careful what you think and say and feel and do. You are powerful....infinitely so. Think good thoughts. speak beautiful words....feel beautiful feelings and be of loving a do gooder. We all win when you do.

Amir would never submit himself to listening tests in a room of serious tweakos. No way. If they were A/B ing various things and he said he heard no difference then they would all go on the forums and tell everyone that Amir cannot hear. If Amir heard all the differences that everyone else heard and admitted it to them then he would have to go on to his forum and tell everyone that he was wrong all those years. Either scenario would blow his ego to pieces. Therefore he will NEVER EVER let himself be in such a situation. (The last statement is false because he will eventually let go of this false belief....but probably not this lifetime). His ego (false identification) would be creamed....forever.

This whole dance of life is for the soul to grow from false identification to knowing that we are the pure infinite love and joy of existence (our true identity....forever and ever).

On one hand we have Amir defending his position with charts and quotes.....and on the other hand we have Mahgister defending his position with saying the same thing (almost incomprehensible) over and over and asking us to read others thoughts which prove his side of the story. The soul needs no defense. We are....and always will be magnficient. We are already worthy. We don’t need to prove it.

The simple truth need to listen to something to know how it sounds......plain and simple. All other thoughts and actions and posts are noise (distorted truth). You need to feel love and joy to know how it feels...what it is. So, you can all continue making ego noise or enjoy a beautiful song on your stereo and tweak your stereo to make it sound even more beautiful and give you bigger goosebumps. What do you choose? be right or have goosebumps?

Today I am ordering a LifePo4 battery and charger for the Giandel inverter that got shipped yesterday, to make my stereo sound better. Also, will be doubling up my speaker wire to my woofers this weekend and trying a tiny capacitor bypass cap across the inductor on my woofs. After that, I want to order two of those super low impedance toroidal inductors from Jantzen and see what they "sound" like. I WANT BIGGER GOOSEBUMPS. What do you want? What does your soul want? What does your ego want? Which will you follow?

I want you all to feel the infinite love and joy that exists......RIGHT NOW......This is who you are.....and have always been. It is not the two hands beating on each is the two hands in prayer.......the oneness of our being. Blessings.

I don’t need to deconstruct Amir. He is perfect, just the way he is. Some of his beliefs are not based in truth....and someday he will truly understand. We all will. Are you superior to me because I don’t quote science articles? Why would I care what others say about listening? My own ears know the truth. Be true to yourself. Stand in your truth.

You don’t need to fight.......anyone....ever. You are perfect....just the way you are. Do you feel more love towards yourself and everyone after you post? After you put up all those links to articles practically no one reads? I want you to feel better and better about yourself....every day.....I want you to make every post you write a beautiful love letter to yourself sayng how much you are loved. I love my self with all my heart and soul......WE are ALL so Beautiful.......Kisses and hugs.

Here is a song I sing sometimes:

"There is nothing to need, hide from or fear. We are whole and complete, right now and right here".

I did not insult Amir. I just stated what was true...........that much of his thinking is an ego trip. This is just truth. Not an insult. We all have an ego. If we did not we would walk into the street and get run over. We need the ego to survive. However, we do not need much of it to live a glorious life. If Amir was here I would kiss and hug him and tell him how beautiful he is.

When someone says something not true then it is up to everyone who knows the truth to chime in. If we let lies prevail then the ultimate truth (that we are eternal love and joy) will not be attained. All truth is tied together. Whether it is physical truth or metaphysical truth. If we speak with forked tongues then we all lose. Say and live the truth. The truth is.....everyone is totally in love with everyone and everything.....forever and ever. However, it takes a million lifetimes to realize it totally. We have eternity.

We don’t NEED science to know what is real.....about audio or about life. We are a miracle......70 trillion cells dancing in love and joy. We KNOW what is real. We experience it directly. I don’t need a science lesson to know which DAC sounds better. I use my ears. If you want to continue and fight Amir using words and science quotes......then have at. But does it bring you happiness? Do you feel more love and joy when you post?.......I am listening right now to some incredibly spiritual music and the sun is shinning outside my window and the leaves are dancing in the wind. It is always a miracle. I wish more of this for you and everyone. Please stop fighting and TRYING to prove you are OK......and feel how loved you are.

Go outside and put your arms up in the air and proclaim to the whole world......"Thank you LIFE.....for the glorious love that you bestow on me right this minute. I feel so blessed. I will spread this love and joy to everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you.....forever"

You are are don’t need to do or say are worthy just as you are. You were always worthy.....will always be worthy. Let it in....let it in....let it DESERVE IT. You are magnificent!!!!

Here is what I am listening to....right now


One one hand we have the untruth of Amir stating that all amps, preamps and DACs that measure a certain way are totally transparent and that all wires sound the same and that power cords, fuses, footers, getting cables off the floor, my tweako things, etc.....are totally nonesense (all because he refuses to listen to these things).........and on the other hand we have the Mahgister with his constant rants that no one cares about. You guys should take your act over to Audio Asylum.......he he.

What is missing is happiness. Happiness is our true and real state of being. Basically, we mind f..k ourselves into thinking we are something else and not deserving of we try to prove our worth....or our unworth. All false identities are just that.....false. When you just sit still and quiet the mind and open the heart.....guess what happens? become peaceful and happy.

Whatever you think, say, feel and do every second creates your next reality....and all your realities....and everyones reality. We are powerful.....and we can create as much happiness as we want. But being addicted to our mind and our righteousness does not bring happiness......only separation.and despair. When Amir and Mahgister are posting they are not in Bliss (our true nature) least, that is my guess. However, they could feel their bliss and then write words that reflect their true nature. Then we would all benefit. I try and write from bliss. I am getting better at it. Perfection takes forever.......How much more love and bliss can you or I feel and share? What are you doing on this forum.....are you looking to increase your love and bliss.....or are you here to affirm your ego beliefs? Are you here to be of REAL service? For when you feel more and more love and want EVERYONE to join Frampton said....."Do you feel like I do?" I want to feel like the the eternal a new born a child or pet a dancer in total ecstacy.......I want everyone to feel this way. What do you want?

While standing, imagine a two foot wide circle in front of you on the ground. Imagine the quality you want to embody and mentally put it into that step into the circle and feel that quality and become that quality. This is ALL there is to creation. We are that powerful. It has nothing to do with anyone else.....what they think or say or do. YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY.......moment to moment. So step into conscious circles and bubbles every moment you can remember and become more and more love and joy.......It is a fun dance......and we can all join in.

Happiness does not have to be earned. It is who we are. We are naturally happy when we stop mind fuc.... ourselves. It is all in our beief systems. Change your beliefs and change your life. If your parents held you as eternal love and bliss then you would be happy all the time. Your parents thought they were "humans" and somewhat flawed and non deserving. They then passed their "attitudes" and perspective on to you. This is what the whole earth experience is for. We get programmed to think we are less than infinite and we slowly remember our divinity.....the fact that we we were and are...always whole and complete.

You do not have to vary in emotional waves with the circumstances of life. You can feel any way you want to.....regardless of the situation. You can sit at a standstill in your car because they are working on the road....or there is an accident and you can either moan and bitch or you can sing and dance. It is up to you. You can celebrate loosing a close super can dance in ecstacy when you loose. What, you say? We are addicted to our emotions. We think we have to go up and down and feel good when things go "right" and feel bad when things go "wrong"......There is NO WRONG......there is just the WAY IT IS in this moment. So, enlightenment is just digging this very matter what it presents. Easy to talk about and takes an eternity to embody. So simple....yet, so hard.

That is why it is called spiritual practice. You don’t get good at something by doing it once in a while. You eventually realize that every moment is a see how loving and accepting of this moment you are. And you really have no choice.....he he. You programmed this entire life as a test. You can pass the tests or not. You can celebrate your growth or bemoan your life. You will walk down the hall.....but how you walk down the hall is up to you. You can hit your head on the walls or dance and sing and skip along. That is what spiritual practice is. The practice of enjoyment. The more you practice then the more you experience matter what the circumstance.

Eventually, you don’t get up in the morning and think "I need to do my spiritual practice".........for the practice has become are now living the truth....moment to moment. We have all experienced moments that transcend time and space.....that are truly miraculous. I have been with a few people who live in the eternal miracle.....every moment. It is a blessing just to be with them and feel that extremely high vibration......the vibration of our true nature......eternal, infinite love and joy.

I think Amir knows how to use his equipment.  What it means is another thing.  Baseline measurements tell you practically nothing about how something sounds.  According to Amir.....all amps sound the same as long as they meet his SINAD number.....same with DACS, preamps and cables.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Basic SINAD and the spectral of distortions are just a couple of a million things in a product that affect the sound.  I have been doing serious listening tests to passive and active parts since the mid 70s.  I was one of the first people to do straight wire bypass tests on wire.....back in the 70s as well.  No, no wire passed the test.  All jacks, wire, solder, damping, shielding, capacitors, resistors, switches, relays, fuses. power cords, etc to infinity ALL change the sound of an amp....and NONE of the things I just mentioned CAN be measured.....NONE.  It is so juvenile and simplistic to think that a certain distortion measurement number means a certain pure sound.  Only the deaf or stubborn would claim such.  You have to listen to know how something sounds.....this is the simple truth.  Those that follow Amir are and were already disposed to cheapness, a super "scientific bent"....and cynicsm about the high prices of some audio gear.  Amir is their savior.  He claims he KNOWS.....but he is ignorant of the truth.  Look at the reviewers/listeners who listen.....they all move on from the Topping DACs......dry, two dimensional and uninvolving......not REAL...and I am not talking tube colorations needed......just a more natural real instruments in real space......goosebump city.  

Does not mean you cannot get good sound out of a Topping stack and generic cords.......yes, the lowest levels of gear today are really good.  But if you want to hear what brand of string is on the guitar, and you want to have goosebumps higher than will need to go higher than SINAD measurements can take you.....and to do must listen.

You "every DAC sounds the same" guys should watch this video (from the beginning......don’t go to the conclusion first). This is an A/B with a $2700 and a $6000 DAC. He does not tell you which DAC is which until the conclusion. If you cannot hear the difference between the DACs in the first few seconds of the first change.....then you are either deaf or really, really stubborn. Recorded using Schoeps mics and 32 bit recorder. This guy has lots of videos done this way......very easy to hear the difference between DACs and amps. and I am listening through $29 Altec computer speakers. Both of these DACs are way, way more transparent than a Topping DAC.....Do they measure as good?.....probably not.



There is no "one thing" that makes the sound.  It is everything.  Certainly measurements can be counted as one of the infinite things that MAKE the sound.  However, every single part inside a component (and the wires connecting it, and the line conditioning and power cords and the feet used underneath and shelving, etc) all MAKE the sound.  Every single part inside a DAC or whatever contributes to the sound.  I have been doing listening tests since the 70s and this has ALL WAYS been the case.  Measurements alone are laughable.  Audio is not simple.  It is infinite in how things change the sound and most of the things that change sound CANNOT be measured......plain and simple.  All you have to do is know what I just said is correct.  Have you every A/Bed resistors and hook up wires and solder brands and capacitors and types of damping material and jacks, etc.??????No, you have not.  I have.  So, you have no information as to whether I am correct or not.  However, there are thousands of posts all over the internet backing up what I just claimed.  The claims that all parts, wires, DACs, preamps and amps sound the same is made by people who NEVER, EVER listen.  For if they listened their poor ego would explode.  Bottom line to all this thread.....if you KNOW....if you do not DO NOT KNOW.  How can you KNOW what something sounds like without listening......even a 5 year old can understand this logic.  It is nonsense to think otherwise.

No, you can get a dozen DACs with very similar measurements and they will still ALL sound different from each other. Check out reviews from all over the world that prove this. The two DACs a/bed both have very good specs. They do not measure poorly. Please listen to wires and solder and resistors and jacks, etc and get back to us about it all being measurements. You do will KNOW. You get words....not knowledge

As many of you know.....I have modded CD players, DVD player, SACD players and DACs for years.  Aso designed and sold my own DACs.  I can take any machine and make is sound way, way better and it still measures the same.  Go figure.  I don't have unhappy customers.....they like the results after modding to before modding.....they say it sounds more detailed and more real.....yet is still measures the same.  Have you every modded something?  Do you know what parts and execution can bring?  Only those that do and listen will know.  All other noise is just made up fantasy ego trippin.  YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO KNOW HOW SOMETHING SOUNDS.  Times infinity......this is the TRUTH.


You are assuming that our current measurements can detect all distortions, noise and differences in sound. That is an assumption that has NEVER EVER been proven. So, your basis is basically a fantasy......a made up bunch of words. You might as well say the moon is made up of green cheese. There is no.....I mean no proof that measurements = all sonic differences.....NONE. You just want to believe in the tooth fairy. This is not science to hold a made up belief and assume everything follows your belief. You want to prove your "theory"? Then you need audio listening tests (serious ones).....plain and simple. I listen......therefore I KNOW. Do you listen or are you just making up stuff?

No one needs to prove something sounds better or different. Only the person who is testing it in their own system knows whether or not it sounds better or different. Obviously, all cable manufacturers say theirs is the best. But they all sound it is up to you to know which is the most transparent or desireable to you. I do not need to prove what I hear. The earth flatters need to prove that I don’t hear what I hear.......and they cannot because what you hear is truth. Certainly you can quote someone who was fooled. However, that does not make a case that everyone is fooled every time they hear a difference. Please get out and listen and you will know the truth......this is not Tom Foolery......this is about trusting your own experience. This is not about theory and measurements......this is about WHAT YOU HEAR.......What the heck to you hear? Tell us what you hear........or do you just want to defend your "position". It sounds better when all cables are off the floor. Can you HEAR that? It is not about a belief. It is a direct experience. Now, if you are so addicted to your "pre judged opinion" that you cannot listen objectively......then your results will be biased. Can you listen with an open mind and an open heart.....and just hear what you hear? This is the basic fundamental question this thread asks. Can you trust your experience?.......Can you listen without prejudice? Are there really many, many levels of transparency or is it all defined by a meter? To find must listen with an open mind.

You can say whatever fantasy you believe.....However, I dare any of you earth flatters to go over to someones house that has a serious stereo and has a bunch of buddies over and they A/B various gear......even of the same price and measured capabilities........They will all hear the differences in cables, DACs and whatever....while you are there. Will you admit to hearing any differences? You see, you will NEVER EVER let yourself be in this kind of situation. If you did not hear any differences they would spread the word all over the net that you are deaf. If you heard the differences then you would have to admit to the whole world that you were WRONG all those years. So.....your ego defense mechanism will NEVER allow you to be a room where this is happening. What cowards you all are.....he he. Sweet but cowardly.

As I have said before.....only the deaf and the double deaf need blind and double blind tests to know what is real. We can hear amazing differences within seconds....and yes, it is repeatable. Did you guys listen to the link I posted? Did you hear the differences? Will you admit it?

This thread (and type of thread) will go on forever and ever....because the earth flatters will never give in.

May we all enjoy our low distorton systems.....whether it is by measurements or by listening. I wish you all the goosebumps in the universe.

When you do not trust what you yourself......this is very sad.  When you think you need to blind test yourself to believe what you just heard......again very sad.  When you taste a certain variety of apple do you need to test yourself blindly to know that its a Granny Smith?  I feel sorry for you "must do tests and and measurements to make certain that I am experiencing what I am experiencing" guys.  Do you go to the love measuring machine when you fall in love?  What a joke.  You either trust what you hear/experience or you don't.  Not much trust in those measurement guys.

Back in the 70s we borrowed 10 Supex cartridges from Dave Fletcher at Sumiko (high end audio was a big club back then....everyone knew everyone).  Now this is even before we knew that cables sounded different.  We mounted them all on universal headshells and marked each one with a number on a small piece of masking tape.  The three of us spent all day doing this test.  We ALL agreed with every test.  A few of them were not very good.....another batch was pretty good but there were 3 of them that stood out.....we spent a long time but finally figured out which one was the winner......we bought that one.  After doing something like that you know you can trust your ears.  Of course, this was all sighted.  But it was very, very clear.  The frequency graphs that came with each cartridge showed nothing of the differences we heard. 

Learn to trust that you can hear differences and they do not need to be proven or backed up by others.  You are your own source of it....feel it....listen to it.  It is REAL.

The trouble is......that there is no proof that what is stated by the flat earthers is true.  There are NO super double blind tests that prove all wires sound the same and that all DACs sound the same and that all amps sound the same (given a certain SINAD or not).  Until you prove your point with tests then it remains for us to listen and know for ourself what is real.  The "measurement alone method" (without listening tests) is completely scientifically unproven.  Just made up words.  When you get out there and listen and tell us what you hear.  Mommy says, do it now!

If you are on a budget, and or cynical and angry about the high end audio costs, or are very "scientifically" oriented then ASR can help you find gear and have very good sound. If you really want to appreciate the soul of music....the soul of life......then the equipment recommended there will not do the trick. There are many mansions in heaven. ASR is the lowest high end mansion. There are far more blissful and happy realms above. I recently moved my planar mid/tweeter forward relative to my woofs 3 mm.......when I hit play....I started to cry. It was so real and beautiful. You will get way more of the "soul" of the music with other gear. Yes, it costs more, but it does not have to cost a ton of money. You don’t need to have a $150K Wadax DAC to make you cry. I have a modified $400 SMSL DAC that makes me cry......but I am sure if I had a few thousand dollars to spend I could get a more expensive DAC and mod it and I would never stop crying and dancing.

This is the problem is ASR......because Amir claims that all DACs, and preamps and amps and cables all sound the same (when they measure a certain SINAD) then he is telling his minions that they have arrived at the highest level of fidelity.....all while spendng a moderate amount of money. Nice myth.....but completely untrue. He is like a primary school teacher teaching you basic math and then saying to you, that you have all the knowledge you need to make a rocket and fly to the moon. He is like a childrens softball coach saying that you can now go into the big leagues and hit a hardball out of the park. What a joke. Limited knowledge equals limited experience.

What is the fun of being an audiophile if you cannot constantly improve the sound of your stereo and get bigger and bigger goosebumps? Amir says all you need is a Topping stack, a pair of his approved book shelf speakers and generic cables and you are set for life. Then you just drop out of the audio game, because there is no where to go. You notice how angry the ASR people are? They lynched me and banned me. Not because of MY rude behaviour (which there was none). It was because I sold tweak "snake oil" I was the devil (a money grubbing scum bag). The reason they are so angry is that there is a lack of soul when you limit your experience. And they know their experience is limited.....but on an ego level....they identify with this limitation and fight for its existence. Very sad. It is so much more fun to share new ideas on how to improve your stereo. You learn from each other and you get more and more goosebumps.........or you can fight for your limitations. The ASR types go around in the forums and point fingers and say....."bad voodoo"....."bad voodoo". However, three fingers are pointing back and is all projection. They are the unhappy ones. Of course, there are people who are angry who listen and have better sounding gear. But at least they are moved to soul levels with their stereo once in a while.

However, if you stay at the bottom levels and never experience what real soul levels there are (this goes for life as well as audio) then you will be "content" in your ignorance. Ignorance is not Bliss.....Bliss is Bliss....and usually comes with great maturity......even though its a childs essence.

A Topping stack will never sound as good as a great turntable system.....maybe a cheap turntable system. There are levels and levels and is infinite. If you want to spend very little and not look at the possibilities of things then ASR can work for you. If you want to KNOW what is possible and attain such sonic bliss then you must look elsewhere. Don’t settle for a Honda Civic (that the dealer told you was just as fast as a Corvette)........You can afford to spend a little more to get better sound. You are worth it. You are magnificient. Hondas are great. But it does not really go that fast. You want a soul ride? You want to really experience what the composer and artist intended? You want to really FEEL something beautiful and powerful and exciting? You can, you can, you can. But you must find it must trust your experience to know what gives you goosebumps. If you follow any one persons advice to what gives you happiness then you are just their sheep.....Be a lion of bold and trust yourself. You can do it. It is a fun ride.....Enjoy.


Totally agree. ASR has its place.

There was a woman on Youtube describing her Near Death Experience. When she was out of her body, she experienced more love and joy than she had ever felt. After a while God told her that her time was not yet and she would have to go back into her body.......She pleaded with God, saying she was a good person and helped others, etc......which was true. Then God says to here.......did you Love them like I am loving you? She replies......How can I? I am not God!......He looks at her and says.....YOU CAN DO BETTER........and immediately she was back in her body. This is what life is about. We can do better. For we are made in the image and likeness of the almighty. Be kind. Everyone is your child. We are the children, we are the world.

You see how your ego driven mind will just have to come in and say "something is wrong"? This is the nature of the is a MAKE WRONG MACHINE. You understood what I was get it....yet your mind still had to find something wrong and then comment on it. You did not comment on what was right with what I said.....just what you felt was wrong. Please be is a constant miracle and you can continually grow and experience more of the amazing love and joy that has always existed. Wow! We are so magficient!!!!! I love you.

Every single thought you think, word you speak, feeling you feel and action you take.....has a certain vibration....that keeps creating itself over and over again. This is how we create our the quality of thoughts, words spoken, feelings felt and deeds done. What is the quality of life you seek? Create that quality with your thoughts, etc........Watch your thougths.....for they are at the beginning of creation. Think happy thoughts....bless others....send them blessings.....stop giving the finger and instead give your heart and soul.

Amir still here?!  Come on.....let's do what he does on his forum....let's ban him forever (like he did me and many others).....Give him a taste of his own medicine.  Not serious, he is perfectly fine being here as long as he is nice......unlike how he treats people ON HIS FORUM.  He is da rulla.  He gets what he wants.

Amir, why are you still here?  You are not making any new friends.  No one believes you about your basic point of view except those that already were predisposed to false science, followers of yours, angry cynics and the like.  You are NOT gaining any sense of credibility.  The more you post the more people come out of the woodwork and talk about your gestapo tactics, etc.

I am glad that Amir recommended an expensive DAC.  Of course, he thinks it sounds the same as his $900 Topping......which is why he never seriously listened to it.....and if he did he would say they sound the same.  Everyone, please read the reviews on the Topping and then on the Tambaqui Dacs.....completely different class of transparency.....except to Amir....he even thinks stock $400 Dacs are sonically the same as the Tambaqui.  He is missing so much musical pleasure.  He is missing the soul essence of music.......which is easier to feel when your stereo has REALLY low distortion (and I am not talking about numbers measured.....but ears heard)    

I think it is time for this thread to be closed......really getting boring.  Nothing more needs to be said. 

Every DAC that measures the same will sound different.....this is what those that listen know.  Every amp that measures the same will sound different.....this is what those that listen know.  Every wire that measures the same will sound different....this is what those that listen know.  

Those that do not listen?  How can they have an opinion on what they did not experience?  This is crazy.  To suppose a distortion measurement on some machines actually signifies in total how something sounds is literally insane.  NO LISTENING = NO KNOWLEDGE.......No serious listening tests to prove your measurement theories = BS......plain and simple.

YOU CANNOT KNOW WHAT SOMETHING SOUNDS LIKE WITHOUT LISTENING.  You cannot know what something looks like without looking.  You cannot know what something tastes like without tasting......etc. to infinity.  Our own senses are the most scientific instruments ever existed.  We are meant to experience directly.....not live through machines.  Machines are soul less.  That is why a Amir approved cheap Topping Dac sounds soul....less.....because it was designed for MEASUREMENTS ONLY.  The designers who for good measurements and GREAT SOUND......Topping does not have great sound.  This is what all the reviews describe......Most say they are great for the money.....some say even other Dacs for the same money are better.  No one who has heard more expensive Dacs thinks the Topping DACs are as one....except for Amir and his Minions.


If you want the best sound possible (largest goosebumps, tears, etc.) and if you have the time, energy, money and will do whatever it takes to make your stereo amazing sounding. Obviously, this is something you have to WANT.

My friend with his totally new, totally tweaked Apogee Duetta speakers (yes, you can still buy brand new Apogee speakers) is constantly trying new things.....yes, power cords, AC sockets and plugs, Furutech cable lifters, footers, floating air tables for his amps and turntable, all my tweaky deeky things, he is off the grid with a 5000 watt inverter, uses a separate ground rod for his stereo, has ground filter, super ground wires, modded Puritan line filter after the inverter, etc. etc. He LISTENS To everything he does. He does not like all tweaks. He wants it to sound as real as possible. For instance, he has tried some of the Synergistic tweaks and finds they change the sound and make it more spacious and larger.....but he thinks it is is not real. His sound stage is enormous without them. He does love what my Music Purifiers and Ground Enhancers do. He listens to music way, way more than he tweaks......but he also researches when he has time all over the net for things that might improve his playback.....He recently bought a $14K phono stage from Japan (got it half off). He loves it....has had many phono stages over the years. He listens to every kind of music and attends concerts. A few years ago I asked him if he was "done"......He said.....’If you can find me more ways to reduce the noise (distortion and noise are the same thing).....then I want it". So, he keeps reducing the noise and gets bigger and bigger goosebumps. He says his distortion is so low now that he can play soprano opera singers at super high levels without a problem.  He now has way over $100K in his system.......I have maybe $6K in mine.......but I am seriously tweaky and modifiy or make my own it sounds way, way good (makes me cry).......but nowhere near his level.

What is so cool is when you reduce the noise (audible not measured) then you not only can hear that there are 5 back up singers instead of 4.....but you hear/sense their actual presence. It sounds like people and instruments are right there playing for you.....Wow that is a Gibson guitar with Fender strings and a Maple top and his fingers are dirty and he is playing his soul song to ME. You can feel the interaction between the can feel the intent of the composer and feel the soul of life. This is what happens when you lower the noise in your stereo. The veils go away and you are transported out of time and space into the heart of life.

You should have seriously listened to the Tambaqui when you had it there......would have blown your Topping to kindom come. But, you think they all sound the same as long as there is low measured SINAD. Too bad, you are missing so much.


Everything makes a difference. I listen to everything I can afford. I (currently) have little money. I cannot A/B expensive AC friends do. What I do is eliminate them as much as I can for the best sound possible. I hardwire a cable into my inverter and at the other end use a good connector into the compoent. The IEC plugs at the component end are the chinese Viborg ones. I cannot afford to try the Furutechs or I would. The AC inlets on my equipment are the Furutech $27 ones. I prefer those to the NCF Rodium version. I hardwire my speaker wire into the speaker and clamp the other end to wires to the wires coming out of the amp.....all connectors suck. The best sounding speaker post I have heard is the WBT copper Nextgens. On and on......I do everything I can.....I listen to every single thing I can afford to listen to. My friend with the Apogees can afford does more. He has one of those burn in machines and burns in all his AC connectors, all cords, capacitors, etc. for hundreds of hours. Everything makes a difference.

There is something called "common knowledge" If you are in a beach town but don’t know where the beach is, you ask someone on the street and they point a direction and say.....3 blocks that way. You are probably going to get to the beach by following their instructions 90% of the time. They may be direction challenged or just plain ignorant. But if you ask 3 people and they all said the same thing then you are likely to get to the beach 99% of the time. Same with audio. My friend with the Apogees researches and researchs for hours and hours before deciding to buy something. He has so much info from several people who have heard these things and are reliable enough to trust that he has NEVER ever been let down by his purchases. He does not trust one persons review or mention. He would never trust what someone says about sound quality if they have not listened to it (someone like have no knowledge for you do not listen). The common knowledge he gathers is reliable and turns out to be true when he gets the piece of gear and puts it into his system. So, when he speaks about it it has even more clout....for he has added his own experience. But he already KNEW how it would sound because HE TRUSTS others experience and TRUSTS his own experience. You do not trust your self or anyone. This is your problem. You think hearing is fallable and you HAVE to have to do blind tests to know anything. This is pure BS. Blind I stated before are for the deaf.

My aural memory lasts for decades. If I use a particular test piece over and over again I will remember how that piece sounded for years and years. When I play that exact recording on my latest stereo I know if my audio reproduction is a good as back then or not. Example one: Back in the late 80s I used the Stereophile test disc #1 music cuts as one of my main test recordings. Then I put it away and did not listen to it for awhile......but in the late 90s pulled it out and played it on my stereo. Where is the air on the triangle? How come the guy that is singing in hebrew sounds veiled and ugly? I say to myself. This is not how it sounded years ago! I had this 3 way speaker at the I decided to remove the midrange a prop it up on top of the speaker and unwound the inductor on the woofer so it would go to up to 300hz instead of it would fill in the loss that the midrange would have because it has not on a baffle or in a box. After setting it sounded the same my tweaking was good. However, the sound was now WAY frickin better (first time hearing an open baffle midrange besides electrostats or maggies). The triangle was floating in air.....the decay lasted way longer.....the guys voice singing was now beautiful......Was is as good as years before when I played it on my super modified Quad electrostats? Not quite......but dang good. It was my aural memory of the recording that got me to try and improve my system so it would match my memory. This happened again to me just a month ago when I set up my new open baffle two way speaker. This time is was an over 40 year old memory of an album I had not heard for that long (La Folia de la Espana) that got me to tweak my speaker more. Now it sounds almost as good as I remember the record sounding back in the early 80s (playing a CD now)

If you research ALL the reviews on Topping D90s and all the reviews on the will then be able to interpolate how they sound versus each other even if no one had them both together (with incredible accuracy). For instance....lets say one reviewer said his $4K Dac was way better than the Topping.....then you see another review where someone compares that $4K DAC with the Tambaqui. If you trust those people (which, of course, you would not) then you have some real information....that when combined with all the comments from everyone you read gives you a common knowledge about those relative pieces. You will KNOW something about them without actual listening. When you get something in and have your own experience and then talk about it versus whatever and post it somewhere then you add to the common knowledge about these things. If you do not trust yourself or anyone then you just go to Amirs site and buy the best measuring thing that you want. Very simple. You trust no one (just measurements) and end up with good but never great sound. If you want great need to investigate first and gather common knowledge and then listen for yourself to confirm.

If I or anyone said they owned both the D90 and the Tambaqui and they said the Tambaqui is way would not believe them. You would ask them if they did a double blind test......and how many people were there to confirm. Even if they said they did a double blind test and there were 20 people who would still not believe them. You would have to have them submit a study to the Amir super critical dept. and have it reiviewed by the head Amirian and then most likely put at the bottom of the stack. This is how stubborn you are. You are not going to do research on listening tests on the D90 or Tambaqui. You would consider it a waste of time. You already KNOW how they sound versus each other (WITHOUT even listening)......To you, they sound the same because they both measure like you want. Very silly childish game you play.

So, no I have not listened to either the Topping or the Tambaqui.....but I have read enough reviews about them that gives me a sense that I KNOW what they sound like relative to each other. This is not rocket science. Like I said, my friend has never bought something he regrets after doing super research. He trusts certain people and their comments. Me too. You neither trust yourself or anyone. Again.....NEVER trust any ONE person......go for the common knowledge. Common knowledge is held in common....amongst many. My freind used to say "it all comes out in the wash" Meaning.....after many cyles of listening and evaluating you know the truth.....the true colors of you cloths and the true sound of something. But first, you have to wash your mind of doubt. You have to let your self experience and know......and know that your mind is not the knower.....your soul is.....You have to get your critical mind out of the way to really listen and really KNOW. I wish you much mindlessness. It is the same as mindfullness.....but devoid of monkey mind ego chatter. Can you dig?

The question is....Do you truly love yourself?....not in an ego a pure Mothers love way. Do you trust yourself? Not in a jilted lovers way.....but in the way a baby fully trusts his mother. Do you purely love and trust others? Or do you need to control and fight and defend your position? Only you can answer for yourself. You know yourself.....exactly how loving and trusting you are at any moment......if you are willing to look. Most do not want to look, for if they looked closely their fear is that they would see how unworthy they are. THIS is the BIG LIE. We are incredible, magnificent angelic beings.....capable of feeling and sharing and radiating all the love and joy of the universe. WE are all living miracles.....Now, LET US CELEBRATE!

Amir will continure to post things like the above to "prove" something. It does not prove anything. It just shows that certain cables could pick up more noise if you stick a transformer near it. Let’s see.....where are my transformers to try this? And why would I care? The transparency we perceive when we remove noise with tweaks can be heard.....plain and simple. It CANNOT be measured. Again, you have to listen to know anything. Amir does not listen....therefore he does not know anything.

Amir cannot help anyone get better sound than his baseline measuring components......because he does not listen. You are stuck at a good level of sound with a Topping stack.....but you will never get to great, superb or incredible. You are stuck.....because Amir is stuck in his ego defense of something he cannot defend. As I said before, Amir cannot show us any listening tests to prove a component is "transparent" if it meets a certain SINAD measurement. He simply made up his belief and is standing by his "non listening" false statements.

His ego is entrenched in this nothing I or anyone can do here will make him start listening. This thread is just a repeat......over and over and over again. If we want it to end.....then we must do the correct thing.....stop coming here and stop posting. This nonsense could go on forever if we let it. I am stopping.....I will not post here again. There is nothing inherently wrong with Amir. He is not a bad person. He is just caught in an ego mind cycle. Some day.....some lifetime....he will stop defending positions that are not real......this goes for everyone....including me. The soul needs no defense. The truth in audio needs no defense......we all know that what we hear is REAL......Measurements are not music.

Whatever you put your mind become. Amir is a measurement man, he puts his mind on a measurement mache.....therefore.....he has become a machine......he he.

If we give him attention.....even as resisting him.....then we create his ego even greater.....FOR WHATEVER YOU RESIST......PERSISTS. Let him go and he no longer least his ego mind will not exist here....for he will have no audience. And you will be at peace and be happier.  Let it be so. Let us give audience to the truth of our great Amir and everyone on the planet is......we are the light of love.....we are the love of light.......put you mind on that and become it.....way more fun than this thread.....WAY MORE.

We are Beautiful.....celebrate!  We are an infinite Miracle......70 trillion cells in our bodies.....WOW times infinity.....can you dig it?  Or would you rather be right?


Almost all the review magazines, almost all high end manufacturers, 90% of all Audiophiles, 90% of those on this forum, 90% of manufacturers showing at high end audio shows, etc. etc. into infinity do sighted A/Bs of equipment and generally come to the same conclusions......without talking to each other.  For instance, almost all the reviews of the Topping gear say it is very detailed but lacking in soul, ambience, subtly, macro dynamics, imaging, decay, etc.  They all came to this on their own.  They agree.  AND THEY LISTENED.

There have been people who believe like Amir for a long, long time.  He just made the game more real for some by adding a measurement machine to make it look like there is some truth to that point of view.  As, I have stated over and over again....there is no proof that if a DAC, preamp or amp measures a certain level of SINAD......that it is SONICALLY TRANPARENT.  Never been tested......never. Amir made this up in his mind....It is a fantasy....that he speaks as THE TRUTH........and only believed by those that are super nerdy, cynical and angry at the high end pricing and have little money.   

So, you have a quarter million audiophiles, engineers, designers, and customers, etc. from all over the world saying that they hear differences in all DACS, preamps, amps and cables (using sighted a/bs)......and on the other hand you have this rogue dude saying that HUMANS are flawed and cannot make a correct decision in listening without double blind listening tests......and of course, Amir and his crew do NO listening tests......They would be afraid to do sighted tests with a bunch of people in a room.  If they said that there was no difference and the other 10 all heard a certain difference then they would spread the word all over the net that Amir cannot hear.  If Amir agreed with their test results (hears the same difference) then his whole world would collapse into ego hell.  His whole purpose would be wiped out.....his website would have to be taken down for he has now joined "the dark side"......which is really where he lives already.  He is in the dark.....afraid of the llght.  He has no proof.....none.   

Those of us that hear a difference in everything do not need to prove it to anyone  We know what we hear is real.....we hear it....We trust what we hear......What we do is common knowledge.....almost every magazine from around the world does this......they compare and state what they hear.  THEY TRUST THEMSELVES......Amir trusts no one.  Especially himself.....otherwise he would try sighted tests of stuff.  But he made up his mind years ago about this SINAD silliness and is going to defend it to his grave (more than likely).  However, it is very sad that he limits himself to OK sounding gear.....but does not want to go for the big goosebumps.  You will not get big goosebumps with Topping...(well, maybe with enought drinks in you....he he).

Here is a cool true story.  I had a woman employee that was soldering my Ultimate Attenuators while I was tweaking my stereo (modded Quad Electrostats, etc.).  I was adding pieces of Navcom to some of the digital chips in my NEC cd player to make those nasty digits behave.  The more Navcom I added the warmer the sound.  This lady had her left ear towards the stereo and commented that when I added them it got, I think to myself.....well, she certainly can hear.  So, after she was done working I had her sit in the "seat" and told her to concentrate on the sound of the cymbals......nothing else.  BTW this woman had never ever listened to a high end stereo.   I then went into the bedroom and did something and told her to listen again.....after the track was done I asked here if she heard any difference.  She told me that the second time through the cymbals were more pure and real sounding......I then told here what I did.....which was.......I unplugged my LED digital clock that was next to my bed.  There was only one circuit in that apartment so anything you did to the AC was heard loud and clear.  She heard IT.  Not a golden eared super trained listener.....a complete novice.....a virgin of stereo could hear the difference.  What I just stated will make Amir go into complete freak out mode.....I cannot wait for his response.

Here is a couple of guys who are doing sighted and BLIND a/bs and are also doing measurement tests to see if there is some correlation to what they hear.  This is way more scientific than what Amir does.....but they claim they are doing "no science".......they are humble.....they just listen and test every way they can.  Here is a session where they listen to plug in line filters and one of the guys is blind and the other is not and they basically agree on the differences.....and they already had measured these things on the bench......pretty interesting.  I wish you all the most ginormous goosebumps ever.


It is so funny that you quote the midfi reviewers.......Steven Stone, Kalman....secrets of home theater.....etc.  These guys only listen to 1% of what is out there...........Try looking around at reviews done by people who are not paid to rave about midfi stuff and have access to other more expensive gear.  You will find out what these many hear.....not what some "got to sell some copy and ads magazine says".......Go a search....everything I said is what they all say.....the mid fi guys will sell you anything.....Just like you do.  You should join Stereophile as the midfi king (with Kalman and Steven you guys could be the three musketeers of midfi....saving the world.  What a joke......keep up the is entertaining.  However, why don't you actually listen to all the super measuring DACs one after another sighted and tell us what you hear.......I am sure you will tell us they are all the same...and the same as the $150K DAC that Robert Harley uses.....However, all the serious listeners in the world will say they all sound different from each other.  But you will not listen.....and again, if you would have your hands over your ears to make sure you cannot hear anything...

Here is a true story about you (worth repeating for it is so true) stars someone else but you are the same as him.  Audiophile A was invited over to Audiophile B house for a listening session.  He brought along a newby (audiophile D) that he was trying to indoctronate about his belief that all wires sounded the same.  There was also Audiophile C there that brought a cable that he wanted to A/B with Audiophile Bs cable.  When they went to do the A/B........Audiophile A went into the kitchen (God forbid he be in the same room where they are doing listening tests with wire!).  He heard all their comments from the kitchen (all three were in agreement.....about the sound differences and those differences were quite dramatic).  When Audiophile A came back from his cave no one said anything to him.....after all....what is there to say?.....except...."I guess you don't want to know whether your long held belief is true or not".  This is you......head in the sand.....hands over your ears....screeming that you are right, right right......However, not only are you wrong, but you are seiously limiting your love, joy and bliss by promoting a lowering of the possibilities of things.  You are acting like a have very little to give (all your reviews are the same).....You only serve those who already believe the way you do.......they buy their mid fi stuff and feel that it is the best.....because they all have their heads in the sand, as well.  Very sad.  You like doing your own thing......but truth needs to be served.  You have very little. 

Go on, show us some more graphs and quotes that "you think" prove you are right and prove that 250,000 audiophiles are really just fools.  Amir says "No frickin way can people hear cannot trust your must, must, must do double blind testing over and over and over and over again to know anything.  We are just human failure machines.....we cannot perceive truth directly....we have to trust a machine (a measurement machine).....we are just another brick in the wall.  Only trust me." 

I trust me.....the me that listens.....I trust you....the you who listens.....most people do not lie about what they hear.  I do not trust someone that does not listen and who preaches what is obviously (to those of us that listen) lies.

We all create our own reality. What it is to you is not what it is to someone else.

We are all teachers to each other.....we are also each others student.

When someone crashes into my lane of flow and tells lies then I let them know they are on the wrong track. This is what good parents do. They first tell you how beautiful you are and how honored they are to have you as their child.....then they tell you your behavior is not loving and they are here to TEACH you how to be more loving (truthful.....for the truth is telling a lie about anything is anti love). Then the parent tells the child not to do this again and again praises them again for JUST Being. Then the child will do it again to see if you meant what you said and the process repeats itself except the adult tells the child that if they do it again....there will be consequences.......when the child does the unloving or untruthful behavior again then the consequences are immeditately applied.....always loving the child and not making the child wrong......We are not our behavior......When we tell a lie.....we are lying....but we are not "liars".....We are divine beings who have forgotten our beauty and for a moment acted stupid. On a public forum we are not alphas to each other.....There is no parent child relationship.....We are all equals. Still, you can tell you brothers that they are not on track and are lying or acting unloving......We just cannot lay down consequences for unloving behavior. We need to be self growing....and learning from each other.

So, maybe I did not praise Amir enough......for he is the divine light....he is divine love and divine beauty. However, his ego is trapped in a lying holding a plane that does not know how to land. In order to land in love you must trust....and in must learn how to trust what you hear....and also admit to your untruthfulness. My sweet Amir....please come back to the truth.....the truth is like a big tit.....full of juicy everloving Amrita....Ambrosia....the nectar of life......Please drink it.....I offer it to you. You deserve it.....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

I never said any reviewer hated a Topping. Generally, AS I STATED BEFORE they think it is very good and one of the best in its price class......that is it....As soon as you go above its price fails. You really need to take a class in seem to only find the old reviews that mirror your point of view. The guy at Soundnews used to love the Topping he is climbing the ladder. He thinks the Laiv DAC is the king under $5K but there are other DACs that do some things better (for more money).....but way better than a Topping. The guy at iiWi feels exactly the same way. This guy is super intelligent and his reviews are clear as a bell......this guy can hear......of course, he listens. Here is a review of the latest Topping compared to others in its price range.....If you search his Youtube website you will find that he also thinks the new Laiv DAC is really out there. These guys are climbing the money ladder and as they do.....they get better sound that leaves the lower high end (Topping DACs, etc.) in the dust. And of course, they are not testing the super high priced DACs that are another level better still. These two guys and others are just people who love stereo.....they are not part of some big company that makes money on advertising......and has to be NICE to all companies so they will keep advertising. These guys are true enthusiasts....they love stereo and love music. They listen and share. They can hear immediately the differences between equipment. They tell the truth.

Please start listening. You might learn something. Then you can help more people....not just the ones that think like you do now. Get some education....and then share the learned info.....spread the glory.....tell the truth. Praise be all life!



Wow, Amir has so much time that he can post junk posts here over and over again. He has no knowledge....he does not listen. Anyone can hear the differences in cables, preamps, amps and DACs with one listen. Is he deaf?

Go peddle your philosophy somewhere else. Most here know that listening rules and it is easy to hear differences.....we don’t need no dang super blind tests.

The statistics prove that Amir is in a self serving ego loop. This is what the statistics point to.....he he.

His site is not innovative in any way. It does not promote better sound. It is an advertisement for mid fi.....sort of like the "perfect sound forever" thang when CD came out. Now it is "Amirs approved low cost high measuring things are all you ever need".......and just like the CD is all made up and a lie. The reason he gets so many hits on his site is that he measures things......and we all like to look at graphs. I am being sent a Nilai amp and am going to mod it and have fun with it. I wanted to see what others said about it so I did a search.....and one of the things that came up was an ASR, I became one of the millions who go there and looked at the measurements.....did not learn a thing....just measurements....could of just read the specs on the Hypex website. No comments on the sound or how it compared to anything.....except that it was "transparent" because it measures well. All amps sound different......please listen and get back to us....or are you going to keep posting nonsense till you die?

Yes, there is truly nothing to is all the same loop.....over and over again....Amir (who does not listen) versus 250K audiophiles (who do listen)......who will win? Stay tuned for another chapter tomorrow in this ever going don’t want to miss this has real drama (not) and a lot of fun laughs (not). I try to make fun......but I don’t think he is laughing. I hope you all are enjoying these "hot" days. Peace be with you all.

I trust what you say.  You are one of the few who listen that do not hear differences....probably 5%.....just a guess.  Nothing wrong with that or is all good.  Enjoy your inexpensive system.  It is a monetary blessing that you cannot hear more expensive gear.  The Topping stacks plus generic cables game is very, very good.  I could enjoy least casually....till I had to start tweaking it and modding every single thing......OMG...I cannot stop....the goosebumps keep getting bigger and bigger!

This is not about faith.....this is about experience.  If you listen and do not hear a difference....then that is your experience.  If you listen and hear a difference then YOU KNOW HOW THEY COMPARE.  We are talking experience.....not theory.  Love your experience......Trust your open to new experiences....for that is the fun of life.....finding a new treasure.

You have Amir posting one Double blind test that went "his way" and somehow that justifies his point of view. On the other hand, you have maybe a hundred people around the world that are A/Bing cables right this very minute and find they are different.....let alone the thousands and thousands of posts all over the net. But, they are not following Amir’s listening test rules so all their observed and heard findings are null and void.....Basically, they have all fooled themselves in thinking they hear he is calling them all fools.

So, who is the fool here? The one who makes up stuff that cannot be proved and does no listening tests? Or the 200,000 people around the world that do listening tests and hear differences? I hope you all use your ears to decide and not your ego mind.

You cannot KNOW what something sounds like without LISTENING. Just like you cannot know what something looks like without looking.....tasting, smelling, touching, etc. This is not a mind game.....this is direct know something with our senses is the highest science....the highest. Praise be to our senses. We can trust what we hear......we can.

More foolishness from the fool of fools.....who will not listen....just makes fun of those that listen.....sad....very sad.  However, I am happy....for life is beautiful.  Will be doubling up wire on my woofers tomorrow....IT WILL make a difference.....everything does.  Happy listening everyone!

Wow, I am really starting to question your intelligence. Why would you post such nonsense? Don’t you think we cannot see right through that post?

A member? Of course, he is a member.....he cannot hear. About 5% of audiophiles (my quess) cannot tell a difference between anything. They are some of the "members" of ASR....the rest are cynics, "measurement science freaks" and non believers who won’t even listen . I have read at least 2 posts (and I go there there are probably tons of comments like this) by your "members" that stated they could hear no difference between see, these hearing impared people flock to your site.

The other guys video is fine.....However, his title is "click bait".....for the real title should be. "This is the best DAC under $1000 that I have ever heard.....and I have not heard them all". He has never listened to any higher priced DACs....let alone the Gishelli. But I trust what he said......he said the latest Topping "sounded better" than any before it......meaning....DACs all sound different.....which makes your statement of "All DACs that measure a certain number of SINAD are completely transparent".....a LIE....a big fat LIE......and YOU posted it. Thank you....Great job of convincing everyone how really FOOLISH you are......Do you have more posts like the one above? I am sure you will have to have the last, start searching....I give you a few hours........What a JOKE!

For every stupid post that you come up with that states that all DACs sound the same....I can link thousands of posts and videos....saying they all sound different. Let’s for you and thousands for the other opinion. Who is right? All those thousands who listened....or you (who will NOT listen)? Go on, find another person who agrees with you and link it here....go on...Let’s ave it!!!!!

Basically, Amir is the world’s greatest cynic.....He believes that we cannot believe what we hear. We can repeat an A/B a thousand times and hear the same difference but Amir believes we have fooled ourself thousands of times. He does not trust his hearing....he must be deaf! He does not trust anyones hearing.....we are all deaf! The one that is deaf is certainly Amir.......for he has his hands over his ears and will not listen.....but just keep sqawking like a parrot. We need to teach that old bird some new words.....sqawk...sqawk...sqawk.......yet no truth comes out.

Really on thin ice here. You keep quoting the one A/B where someone did not hear a difference as your proof that your "pretend science" is true. Again, I can link thousands and thousands of posts and quotes and videos and online and print magazine articles that say the exact opposite....again....who has truth?

And over and over agian you post about your one time that a DAC measured you listened to it and it sounded bad......However, you never listen to any DACs that measure what you like because you think they measure good enough that they are transparent.....this is WHAT YOU BELEIEVE.....and it has never ever been proven. You simply made it up.....that is why it is false science. You have NO science on your have measurements and then a "belief system" have no proof. As, I have previously are in an ego loop....defending a position that is undefendable. I predicted....yes, I PREDICTED.....that you will probably never give up your position this lifetime (you have invested in this belief for so long and now have a website promoting it, etc) far, I am correct. I would like you to prove me wrong....and become a more honest person.....Honest.....means ONE with what is (EST). The WHAT that all DACs, preamps, and amps sound different....and all cables sound different....and we can hear it. But you cannot.....or shall we say....WILL NOT allow yourself to even try to hear it......You are simply stuck in a belief system....ego based. Happiness is not in that system....happiness.....looks for, and expresses what is real....what is true. What is real is how beautiful you magnificient...and always have been and always will be. That is real. Ego defending is NOT REAL.....and NOT happiness promoting...for yourself or anyone.

The bottom line is that you cannot prove that you "know" anything. I have stated several times that you have no proof that your beliefs are true. I have asked you several times to show us the have not even mentioned what I have said or simply ignore it. Ignore it again why don’t you. You ignore it....because you are wrong and cannot prove you are right. No one will ever prove it because our ears tell us what is real....not a distortion meter.

I again ask you to show proof that a certain SINAD measurement means that a component is totally transparent in sound. Please show us the hundreds of double blind tests done over a long time with hundreds of subjects that prove this....please...please....please. YOU CANNOT....there will never be such tests because why would we need to prove that we hear what we hear......only someone like you would even try to prove such nonsense. And if you sponsored would have no clout as you are biased. Only someone who is completely unbiased could even run the tests. Even the Boston Audio Society or whatever is biased towards it would have to be done by someone not even in audio for it to be considered valid. So, go on and show us the tests results that prove all DACs, preamps, and amps that measure a certain SINAD or better are transparent. If you cannot prove your "theory"......then it is just a theory....made up by you.....which is what it is....plain and are playing "make believe" a child.

Where’s the BEEF?!!!!!!!!  Where is your PROOF?!!!!!


You say that you "know"......this is incredibly arrogant.  You say we are not capable of doing listening tests and knowing anything.  So, all the high end reviewers were completely wrong all these years.....Martin Colloms, HP, Gordon Holt, Peter Moncrief, Jean Hiraga, Robert Harley, John Atkinson, etc. to infinity......and all the infinity....have been wrong....all this time.....not to mention the 200K audiophiles who listened and "thought" they heard a difference.  For you, those people never heard a difference in equipment or wires or caps or resistors or damping or power cords or fuses, etc ets. etc (they all made it up).......unless that equipment had a bad SINAD.......This is what you claim.  Only YOU know what is right....and what you say, is right...and that is, that they all sound the same....same with are the final say in all of this.  None of us mean anything....we are all just fools.  Only you have the golden ears....which you don't use....You don't need have your fake have distortion measurements that are 100% the indicator of what we hear.  No other kinds of distortion exist (that is what you believe).....only the kind that you measure on your machine.    You sound like a child on the playground arguing that the moon is made out of green cheese......this is not the mind of some wise person.....who really WANTS to know the Truth.  

Real science is based on "testable" observations using our senses....along with measurement machines in order to understand the world.  You have no proof......your beliefs are not tested.....and they not use our senses.....your fake science just uses your ego based rational mind to defend a position you decided long ago.  You really don't care about the truth or finding out what is actually going just want to be right.  VERY must be very lonely and feel unloved.  We love matter what you think. 

It is really joyful to discover another hidden gem of tweaking that makes your stereo come alive.  I wish you all an ever expanding sound stage and Buzz infinity and beyond.