Some "disc"overies I've found.

I thought I'd make a list of a few great recordings I've fouind in the last year.

1.The Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack from the movie, get the 2 CD set, the sound is better than the single. Great imaging, vocals, and the Prologue!

2. Black Sheep Boy by Okervil River Excellent rock recording. Good dynamics. Lyrics a little strange but the sound is killer and haunting.

3. Chris Gaines Greatest Hits Garth Brooks in Rock drag. HDCD I prefer this to his country hits. Easily picked up in the used, unwanted record bins. Addicting.

4. east west Bill Frisell So far I like the west side best. Spectacular, haunting guitar work here and LIVE! My current favorites I Heard It Through the Grapevine and Blues for Los Angeles.

5. Once Upon A Time In Mexico Soundtrack by Robert Rodriguez
A strange,fun movie with Johnny Depp and Antonio Banderas. Depp even wrote one of the themes. Excellent guitar work, fine orchestrations, nice vocals. A real treat.

6 & 7. Audio and The Complex by The Blue Man Group
HDCD My favorite is Audio. These guys are amazing and if you like percussion you'll love the bizarre drum and percussion sets designed by the Blue Men. How about a 30 foot drum, tubulums, drumbones, and the air poles? If your system is right one can feel, see, and hear the airpoles wisking through the air. A sonic blast.
The Complex is a different from Audio with vocals. I prefer the former but still the Complex is well worth owning and who knows you may prefer it.

8. Tonto's Expanding Head Band - Tonto Rides Again. This is on HPs list and is out of print but an audiophile can download it at the following website.

This thing is spectacular. HDCD although for some reason when I play the disc the HDCD logo flashes on but soon goes off again. This baby will give your subs a workout.
Now I know what all the fuss was about. Oh, if one were to look into buying the CD, (it's a collectors item) be prepared to pay about 3 bills. Thank you to the downloader.
And I might add, if the reissuers like Mobile Fidelity want a sure fired hit this would be one to negotiate for. The rights are now owned by the founders of DEVO!

9. Stubbs the Zombie Soundtrack. Way Cool! Music from a video game. Listen to some great classics redone by new bands like The Flaming Lips- If I Only Had a Brain, Ben Kweller - Lollipop, Death Cab for Cutie - Earth Angel, and Oranger - Mr. Sandman. A Baker's Dozen of fine performances and above average recordings. Fun!

10. Finally, The Kill Bill Soundtracks both I and II. Well recorded pop sounds collected by Quentin Tartino. I don't know how anyone couldn't find something to get excited about. Even some of the more memorable dialogue cuts from the movies are included.

Well, hope you enjoy the music as I have. Feel free to add your recent discoveries too. We'll all benefit.

Good listening,
I agree on Phantom - though I have the 2 disk "Original London Cast" version and think it's excellent. Have you compared the movie soundtrack to this version?
I sure wish I could find a simlar quality sound track for Les Mis, but don't think even the live productions cared much about the sound quality.

thanks for the other tips . . .
I have TONTO's "Zero Time" that I purchased new when it was released in 1971. I haven't play it in over 30 years, wow. After my search on AMG, my new Denon DL-160 will be getting some action tonight.