Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.

Why not ?


Showing 6 responses by inna

Yeah, you never know, and generally speaking, discussions now are not what they used to be ten or even fewer years ago, let alone twenty years. You used to ask a question about some tube or cable and there would be many posts and opinions.

Still, I don't pay much attention to it, when I have a question or simply think that there might be an interesting discussion, I start a thread.

Me included. Why yes not why not ? But I did mention my system many times when appropriate.

Personally, I am not interested in low end. But what would we call low end? Audiophile value is not found in low end, good stuff does cost.

Vintage can be interesting, though I would have nothing or next to nothing to contribute, except asking some questions perhaps.

In any case, I don't view Audiogon forum as a free consulting service, I see it as a place where audiophiles and those who might want to become audiophiles communicate more or less freely and discuss various relevant subjects from sometimes different angles.

"doors lead to other doors" . That's intriguing.

Yeah, when I recently asked to recommend $3500 used speakers, there were probably one hundred brands mentioned, I didn't count. But no "consensus opinion". Am I going to audition those one hundred brands before choosing ? Of course not, and it would be totally unrealistic. Sometimes, people just talk. I expected it in that thread and took it accordingly. It's like a small talk, which is fine.

Consider tube mono blocks as well ! Sorry, I never said it. You would need lots of tubes, and the heat..forget about it.

I agree that talking about low audiophile end can be beneficial to the beginners.

waytoomuchstuff, "reverse engineering", right.

Well, some people are afraid to look silly by asking "stupid questions" or just initiating "stupid subject". I am not, and if some of what I start is indeed stupid, so be it. As someone said: " If there is nothing to lose there is nothing to gain "