Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.

Why not ?


Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

@noromance ....šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø...itā€™s hard in a land of SAS....thereā€™s all too much happening at once everywhere all the time....I could relate to the movie...:

@erik_squires ...No, abstotootely no.... (see above)....

@bigtwin My ā€™virtual systemā€™ doesnā€™t exist yet... I could post notes ā€™n sketches, but then ā€™your computer and all itā€™s peripherals will ignite in 15 seconds....

Good Luck!" *click*

I could post my real one...lots less damage, except to some synapse fry... YRWV
Iā€™m been doing some clean ā€™n sort & spiffing....

Get a gander at my grip on the gallery gogglers.... ;)

I enjoy being here and tolerated somewhat for my version of sortaSOTA, if itā€™s mine alone to enjoy. Spouse likes what it all can sound like when times available to really light it up.

Besides, it keeps me out of other troubles that donā€™t need to be brought along.

...besides, thereā€™s all this great noises to hear.... ;)

@bigtwinĀ ...I find prog trance nice to put on and putter about vocals, just 'tone poems' of a sort....."a slave to the rhythm.....", as it is...*S*

@hilde45Ā ... Yes, a forum on bargain basement buys on 'oldies but goodies' is a capital concept to foment around here.Ā  SOTA stuff is great to look at, but beyond the grasp of many who wander about here, much less get the chance to listen to.Ā  I've been pushing my personal envelope with this, that, and the other for so long that it'll take a Lotto win to change my 'daily drivers' beyond where it stands at present....which would only result in updating what exists now anyway.... *G*

I peek 'n poke the sites for 'the next new/old thing' if only to keep a handle on what might surface of of late is mostly that which allows to torque up my game with the items at hand....

Since I diy, 3D printing of enclosures is a fascination of late. One can print augmented wood fiber filaments in shapes that a wood butcher can only lust after and the characteristics of which could take speaker enclosures into sculptures with an acoustical grounding....

Besides, 'we' as a group have this grounding of vintage and 'not quite yet' equipment that would allow the newbies and the financially challenged to dip their ears into the sonic sphere properly....

Hopefully without brush-fire forum debates over 'proper' and/or pricing.... ;)

Hang 'round here long enough, one finds more tangents to a given item under consideration than there's course corrections to a multi-planet space probe..

But, overall, imh we're a great batch of digital denizens to dote about with....and I've learned when to keep my digits off the keys when the pond gets deeper down for this driver diver.... šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž

It's nice out today....Time to take the dog out to the dog park and watch Coco outrun the lesser K9's.... (Boykin Spaniel rescue...27 lbs. of sheer velocity....*L*)