some of the best speaker cables under $250

I have owned many many cables over the years but with my current setup I am focusing on a different approach as far as cables are concerned. Impressed with a recently purchased pair of Morrow Audio MA2 RCA cables I feel that there are some great bang for the buck cables available and rather than start with what I've owned and liked in the past I want to try some of the strong contenders in the 'budget' range. Above all else I want musical not dry. I want to hear as much as possible into the music without it becoming clinical. Nothing new, I know.
I'm leaning toward Morrow cables but there seem to be so many cable makers out there I'm interested in what might not be on my radar.
I've owned Signal, Mapleshade, Crimson, LFD, Harmonic Tech, WLM DIY(in use) to name a few. My short list so far: Cullen, thegreencable, Morrow.
My current system consists of an LFD integrated, Tekton LORE Reference loudspeakers, Musical Paradise DAC/OPPO transport.

Showing 3 responses by nrthomas2

Thanks for the fantastic feedback. I didn't think I would decide on anything so soon but I just bought a used pair of Tellurium Q Black cables on Agon. Some very intriguing reviews on these cables. And the British pedigree interests me. Really out of left field, they weren't on my radar at all right now though I had given them some thought in the past when I was spending more on cables. The only reason I sold my LFD Spirolinks was that I liked the Crimson Music Links more. I did like the Clear Day cables but preferred the Mapleshade's transparency. I've only owned Grover's power cables so far. Thanks again!
I've been enjoying the conversation. My purchase of the Tellurium Q Blacks fell through as the seller found damage prior to shipping. I did discover that one can buy a new 1.5M set for under $250. But, on a a bit of a lark I bought some Virtue Audio cables on AgoN for under $100. After reading some of the reviews I want to hear them for myself. Part of me still enjoys the hunt. I enjoy putting a new set of cables into my system then sitting back...
After all is said and done I'm looking for synergy more than anything else. I realize I didn't specify new or used. I think the sub $250 world is relatively small (but worthwhile) for both so I don't think it much of a defining issue.
Has anyone owned the Virtue Nirvanas?
Forgot to mention that I have also been looking at the Black Cat Neo Morpheus+ cables. At $290 they perhaps occupy that next level beyond budget/entry level. Along with Grover's and quite a few others.
While I haven't heard them yet the Tellurium Blacks strike me as an exception. They are not budget cables yet that they can be had for just over $200 in any usable length makes them potentially the best buy out there that I have come across.