Some famous reviewers have atrocious listening rooms!

It’s almost sad, really.  Some reviewers I’ve been reading for decades, when showing their rigs on YouTube, have absolutely horrible rooms.  Weird shaped; too small w/o acoustic treatment; crap all over the place within the room or around the speakers; and on and on.  

Had I known about the listening rooms they use to review gear in the past, I would not have placed such a value on what they were writing.  I think reviewers should not just list the equipment they used in a given review, but be required to show their listening rooms, as well.

Turns out my listening room isn’t so bad, after all.  




Showing 3 responses by curtdr

Maybe they're reviewing based on how most people in real life would use the gear... 

it's only the minority odd "audiophile" ducks that isolate themselves in a perfect chair in some perfect little space away from the rest of the life of their homes.  

Andrew Robinson has an interesting take on this, as he does on many practical things... He has a video where he discusses his ten biggest mistakes on his audiophile journey; the biggest mistake was the dedication and expense to build a perfect separate theater room... it was underused, and when he went to sell his home later, the theater room detracted from the home's appeal and ended up being a big waste of money.

@prof  +1 yeah, nice, a well-used and inviting flexible multi-purpose room 

@bipod72 +1 and yes, agreed... and why some gear, certain speakers for example, might not be "perfect" in a lonely lab room but out in the general living room really come to life with music

@larsman +1

"I'd rather hear from a reviewer who might have a 'real world' listening space like most viewers would. A review from an acoustically perfect space would give me no information at all about what I might expect in my own place. "