Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?

Soekris 2541                $1.1

Doge 7                         $1.2

Mhdt Pagoda               $1.4

Denafrips Pontus         $1.8

Audio Mirror SE           $2.5

Holo Audio Spring 2    $2.7

Audio Note 4.1 Kit       $3.6

Lampizator Amber 3    $3.8

Anyone who can speak from experience  about comparisons
between any two these?

I like the use of a tube and I like the R2R style of build.

Prefer to stay under $2.5 but might be swayed.

Thanks in advance for sharing.

(Some of these prices are certainly not correct)
I too have the MHDT Orchid and love it. At your price point I would look at the Pagoda balanced ($2360 with the TungSol 2C51 tube). I ordered mine with that tube (they also include the base tube) and love it’s sound characteristics (warm, but not colored, lively, great imaging and tight across the frequency spectrum). It was between this DAC and the Orchid for me. I recommend talking with Nick @ Linear Tube Audio (MHDT dealer). I found him very helpful and a pleasure to speak to. You could also communicate with Jiun, the chief designer @ MHDT. He’s very responsive and also very helpful. Between the two of them I got every detailed answer I was looking for before I made my purchase. I couldn’t be happier with my choice. I listen to music all day while working and never experience any ear fatigue while also being pulled into the music throughout the day when my mind allows :).
+1  Audio Mirror SE - very good DAC.  A used PS Audio DirectStream DAC is a better choice.
Well, I can speak for the Holo Audio Spring Kitsune level III edition and I pair with the Singxer DDC it’s fantastic. Very organic sounding. By “organic” I mean natural of course. It just lets the music be presented in the way it was recorded. I couldn’t be happier unless I moved up to the May of course. When researching this DAC I was also very interested in the Soekris. Would love to compare them. I would also like to compare the Spring to the Audio Mirror. Good luck in your selection.
For under $2,000 Benchmark Dac3 A+ rated is excellent, for under $3,000 Bryston is A+ Rated. Read reviews on Stereophile and Absolute Sound. I had the Benchmark 2 with Ayre equipment and sounded fantastic. The Mytek Manhattan used for $4,000 is a big step up, was in my system with more air & detail.