Hey Glupson,,,sorry so long to notice your comment ref my post. Thanks for taking note.
"Why was/is anybody buying anything else? That would be an interesting marketing research, or at least Audiogon thread."
While I should have been a little lighter stated in my example to avoid distracting a reader from my intended point, I was hoping to use the Pass Labs XA/X Series as an example, since they are the same price point by the same manufacturer, and best fit the line I was attempting to draw within the scope of my knowledge and experience with manufacturers. Yet, do not misunderstand...I thoroughly enjoyed your response, and understand your point made.
I agree with the thread notion you present ...lots of food for thought would likely be produced there. Generally though.... Even if something is mostly considered as best in its target, that does not equal perfect, nor that everyone agrees. So with the inevitable weaknesses or drawbacks, there are so many factors, such as compatibility and personal needs. Throw in individual sound preferences, individual home preferences, local availability, and even individual awareness or education, to name a few of many.
To apply that to the Pass Labs XA Analog series... they are Huge...Heavy,,,OMG HOT...draw continuous hi power consumption even at idle (600 Watts I believe for the XA 250, or something like that) … have a distinct look not to everyone's taste … then other stuff with compatibility, sound preferences, ... hey,,,even unknown gems that compete but are not known to the masses, etc.