Yes, as long as we’re content. That’s what matters.
🤡 |
maritime51 Geoffscat, you are a hoot. But, like a 💩 in a punch bowl, an acquired taste. 🐍💩
>>>>I’ll take your word for it. Do you gargle with mouthwash afterward?
I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears maritime must have wandered off to the mind garden one too many times. 🌷🌺🍄🌷🌹
What do you mean “no fun?” That was fun! |
You spell like you hear 💩🧠
maritime51 I dunno, he had illegitimates,too, like my schoolmates mother.
>>>>I get it. She’s your mother, too.
I bet you know something about vessels bulging out on your forehead, too.
Apparently Deforest had even less luck with the ladies, married four times, than he did with high end audio. That’s a shame. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 |
A blind dog finds a bone every once in a while. |
Do you guys have the same joke writer? I trust you’re not paying him very much.
Your liver has my sympathy.
I ought to clunk your heads together. I’ve been rated No. 1 here for like forever. Hel-loo,
You could say hybrid amps are better in some respects than either pure tube or pure solid state amps in some cases.
Uh, oh! Country pops up n/a for Mr. Potty Mouth. I’m guessing down under. Am I close?
Keep trying, Dave_b. Have you tried eating a box of prunes? |
Dave, I assume you’re headed back to the bathroom to read some more of my articles. Ta ta
Whoa! What? Hey, you must think I’m double jointed.
Dave, Thanks for posting one of the more bizarre, snarky and uninformed (notice I didn’t use the word ignorant) articles I have observed lo all these years. Matt obviously has some axe to grind. Who know’s why? Where do all these lonesome people come from? What gets overlooked sometimes, The Intelligent Chip was the most talked about audio tweak in audio history the year it appeared at CES in 2005.
What do you expect from a glorified bus driver? 👨🏻✈️
No offense, but I can certainly understand why you’d spend so much time in the bathroom. By the way, I really like your avatar. Is that supposed to be a toilet flushing? |
kosst_amojan I'd make sure your curtains are pulled tight at night. God only knows what Kaity is capable of. You don't want him busting out his teleportation tweak on you and showing you his magic pebbles.
>>>More wishful thinking, obviously. Time for a nice long cold shower, eh, Costco?
Now auditioning for 12 Angry Knuckleheads. |
I take it you can go a little whacko on those trans oceanic flights. |
The trouble is “we” wouldn’t recognize it if it was taking a leak on our leg. I use the word we editorially. - your humble scribe |
If I want any more sheet out of you I’ll squeeze your head.
🐑 glupson geoffkait,
"...since you’ve obviously been following the wrong, you know..."
I have to agree with this. I have been following your posts about technology and whatever else and they are, you know....mostly wrong.
>>>>You forgot to add, “As I understand it.”
Actually PT Barnum never said that. However he did say people would generally be much better off if they believed in TOO MUCH rather than TOO LITTLE.
An ordinary man has no means of deliverance. - Audiophile axiom
glupson "...a dyed in the wool naysayer slash pseudo skeptic."
It is not nice that wool-clad naysayers slash pseudo skeptics. This is just a non-sense hobby. No need for violence of that magnitude.
I was fairly certain you’d get the wool reference since you’ve obviously been following the wrong, you know...
🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑
Limited understanding is still much better than no understanding. Glubson understands what I mean. No offense, glubby.
“His most famous invention, in 1906, was the three-element "Audion" (triode) vacuum tube, the first practical amplification device. Although De Forest had only a limited understanding of how it worked....”
Apparently Deforest and maritime have something in common. 🤭
Two things are true. You can’t change the mind of a dead person. And you can’t change the mind of a dyed in the wool naysayer slash pseudo skeptic. 🤨
Speaking of burn outs....just joking, no offense....
Bingo! I’m pretty sure in real life he’s a priest or bishop or something. And we already know Moops is Amish. |
It’s so charming when one troll has another troll’s back. What a team! The Gloopster. Moop-a-rama. Enter the jitter person. The triumvirate! I must leave now!
glubson, prove it. No offense intended. |
No offense intended to anyone living or dead but loudness is not the same thing as dynamic range. People! One way to avoid poor dynamic range is don’t listen to CDs. Oh, did I just say that?
“Solid state is more convenient.”
Out if the mouths of babes....
So, gentle readers, it all comes down to precisely the same reason why most people prefer digital. Convenience. Why didn’t he just come right out and say it and spare us all the philosophizing? |
This seems apropos, you know, from the point of view of the solid state believers.
“The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.
In other words, a positive or negative prophecy, strongly held belief, or delusion—declared as truth when it is actually false—may sufficiently influence people so that their reactions ultimately fulfill the once-false prophecy.
Self-fulfilling prophecy are effects in behavioral confirmation effect, in which behavior, influenced by expectations, causes those expectations to come true. It is complementary to the self-defeating prophecy.”
I almost agree with Elizabeth. It is nostalgia. But it’s nostalgia for listening to what voices and musical instruments really sound like. You know, instead of thin, two dimensional, airless, synthetic, bland, metallic, generic, irritating and hard like you get with solid state. It’s like organic food vs non organic food.
Actually, to be completely up front about it, I do not ridicule Asperger’s or anyone who might have it. I might even exhibit a few symptoms myself from time to time. Asperger’s symptoms appear to your humble narrator to be a lot like symptoms of our old friend, audio nervosa. Look inside. 👀
Famous Autistic People Dan Aykroyd Hans Christian Andersen Benjamin Banneker – African American almanac author, surveyor, naturalist, and farmer Jodie Foster Robin Williams Tim Burton Bobby Fisher Stanley Kubrick Lewis Carroll – Author of “Alice in Wonderland” Henry Cavendish – Scientist Lee Deforest - Scientist Albert Einstein Abraham Lincoln
maritime51 Why not, you do regularly as some weird form of pseudo sexual sadism.
>>>I guess you would know.
No reason to bring glubson into this.
Two things that are suspected to be quite bad for an audiophile’s hearing. One is sitting in close proximity to aircraft engines all day for twenty years. The other is listening to solid state amplifiers and radios for twenty years. They’re also suspected of causing, you know.... 🍑 🍔 🍔
I am giving serious consideration of changing my diagnosis in the strange case of glubson to Tourette’s. I’m still trying to find the emoji for Tourette’s. Maritime still looks like a good solid 🍑 🍔 🍔
This is shaping up to be a good solid diagnosis of 🍑 🍔 🍔
And that’s quite a moustashe! Apparently you sympathize with dead people. |
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Ralph W. Emerson
”Please don’t let me be misunderstood.” Eric Burdon