Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 

Showing 50 responses by glupson


My little question was really just asking what someone else’s thoughts would be on a subject that I come across quite often while reading "press". "The best in its price range", you know the drill. I used to wonder why buy anything else then. Then I concluded, shorter but in the same vein, what you said. Pass may be great, best ever for anywhere close to that money, but some would, just as you said, not care as it is unsightly, too heavy, too hot, too big for the room, whatever else. Which brings me to another point that I sometimes try to mention here and then it feels like blasphemy of sorts. Some things are bought, or not bought, because of the way they look. To align it with this thread, tubes are more inconvenient even if you do not need to change them ever. I would dread trying to get the dust off of them but someone may not care and may enjoy it.
"Apparently Deforest had even less luck with the ladies, married four times..."
"The one who marries for the second time did not deserve to get divorced the first time."-My father, frequently.

He never mentioned about four times.

You are the number one. At some point in history, rest of us will get it.

"Buying it" was about buying his stuff. He is not stealing money if nobody is buying it. Do you really think anybody is buying it?

After reading all the links above and having interacted with geoffkait on too many occasions, I developed the feeling that he has changed over time. I am not saying it is for strikingly better, but more  mellow.

"This man is stealing people's money."
Seriously, do you think anybody is buying it?
He may just be playing a fool. It would be hard to make it past high school with behavior, logic, knowledge, and data processing ability that he presents to us. I think his references point towards him being way over teenage years.

I used to show some of the posts on these threads to my friends and acquaintances. Not this thread, though. This one does not have as much technology and physics involved. It has been more to show what is out there than to make them laugh. I would say that most of the time they just shook their heads in disbelief. AT the same time, on one thread another poster showed my post to someone he implied was an expert in given field (something about respiratory mechanics and physiology, if I remember it well) and they supposedly had a good laugh. Well, it did puzzle me but what the heck. It is only fair that they found me ridiculous although I am still awaiting the answer where I was incorrect.

Who knows, maybe geoffkait is on the path to something with his teleportation tweak. Last time I was really thinking about it was during a Buggs Bunny movie. Diseintegrator A1 and then Integrator A1, or something like that. You disappear and then reappear elsewhere. Convenient idea. Except that convenience is, at least on this particular thread, not a welcome trait.
Well, he could say that not everything is in size and technique is what makes them magic.

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who has not visited geoffkait's website.

"God only knows what Kaity is capable of."
I will be brave. So far, he has not shown much he is capable of. Although, if teleportation tweak works, I can see a potential for a lucrative career. Unless Air France finds out about it first. Even magic pebbles. Who has not tried to sell that story to some unsuspecting listener at the desperate evening moment? So, I will give him benefit of the doubt that he is trying.

"I take it you can go a little whacko on those trans oceanic flights."
Stalking me? Again? Are you that guy with a huge telephoto lens at the airport? Next time, come closer, I will buy you a sandwich.
"...why we haven’t detected any other intelligent civilization in the universe..."
We have a hard time detecting it here, much less in the rest of the universe. I am still searching...

"...since you’ve obviously been following the wrong, you know..."
I have to agree with this. I have been following your posts about technology and whatever else and they are, you know....mostly wrong.

"Limited understanding is still much better than no understanding. Glubson understands what I mean."
I'd better understand. I wrote the original of that sentence that you copied with minor, mostly stylistic, change.

How come that geoffkait is so well-acquainted with a circus owner's thoughts?
I cannot tell you. geoffkait is our diagnosis guru. He can tell us what we have and need.
Well, it seems to me that there are a few around here who may benefit from a bit of professional help.
"...a dyed in the wool naysayer slash pseudo skeptic."
It is not nice that wool-clad naysayers slash pseudo skeptics. This is just a non-sense hobby. No need for violence of that magnitude.
"...De Forest had only a limited understanding of how it worked....”
Limited understanding is still understanding. Understanding of own limitations of understanding is often missing on these forums, while naive failure to recognize Socratic irony in some of the posts seems to be thriving.

Here’s looking at you, kid...
Dear Lee,

That is why I thought that pizza placed near the tube thread was appropriate.

This light bulb analogy was quite funny. I agree with it although, if someone likes it, why not.
That was revealing. They mix oregano in the dough, it seems. I could not see that one coming. And then baking, taking out, baking again, really, who said Amish were simple? I will try that next time.

Speaking of tubes, they do get warm. Now, what the world needs is not more tubes. It is ovens with doors opening sideways.

It is an interesting outlook and it made me think of something unrelated to tubes/SS debate.

"...if it is mostly accepted that Audio Quality Analog from Pass Labs is pretty much King at its price points,"
Why was/is anybody buying anything else? That would be an interesting marketing research, or at least Audiogon thread.

Note: I have never heard anything by Pass, but have only heard good things about it.

"...know-it-all GK,..."

No. He does not know if it is better to put oregano directly on dough, on sauce, or on top of all the pizza ingredients.

To his defense, nobody on Audiogon has ever answered that question. Any old Amish recipe for oregano on pizza? It has been bothering me for a while so I ask every time I make pizza. Maybe some day...

"I’m pretty sure in real life he’s a priest or bishop or something."
Everybody is "something" so you are somewhat right about me.

If you are talking about my profession, I am neither a priest, nor a bishop. I do, at times, have to act in that capacity to some extent, though. You know, improvising during some unexpected imperfect times. Kind of like dealing with you.
Huh, guys, thanks for compliments. I am not sure that I am that righteous, but the bar is not set that high so I am not too bad. More like a dive bar, I would say.


"I must leave now!"
Any chance you will keep your word this time?

I do not mind geoffkait trashing me at all. It goes well with my kindergarten training. Been there, done that. At some point, I had to give a lecture to 147 3-5 year olds. Talk about having a stage fright for a week prior to that. geoffkait is fine, he is just one and he is not even in the same room. The only real difference is that those 147 paid attention and thought about the subject.
"What's the problem with changing tubes ?"
Not much, if someone prefers it to some other activities. However, needing to do it makes some users less inclined to support that technology when there is another, more convenient, option which still works quite well in many people's minds.

Convenience does destroy many things, I suppose. Inconvenience makes them, well, inconvenient. Sometimes inconvenient enough not to be practical for daily use. We just cannot win.

Loudness button reminded me of my intermittent and unnoticed questions on these threads. People get into fierce arguments about tinniest pieces (for example, fuses), or directionality of wire, or taking covers off the component. They argue about perceived benefits and other camp makes just the opposite claims. Not once have I seen arguments about tweaks/tuning include how loud the music was when played with a certain tweak/tuning. Actual loudness is probably one of the most noticeable tweaks a person can do. It changes whole perception of sound in seconds or less. Some allegedly phenomenal cable that makes difference may not be that phenomenal at the different setting simply because ears/brain may not perceive the change it is supposed to make that noticeable. From what I understand, loudness button acts exactly on one part of that (brain), if not on ears themselves. Whatever it is, I often like it.

Prove what? Well, whatever it is, no need for me to prove it. Time will tell. You can jump on board now and later pretend you were avantgarde. Tickets are free.

I did come out and mentioned it many times, but you never read past "My understanding is..." so you did not drink from this well of wisdom I have been selflessly opening for you.

Now, just so you do not say I have not told you, appearance of the equipment does play a big role to many potential buyers.
Class A also consistently sounds more pleasing to me. I would not dare to say it is more natural, believable, or something like that, but it does tickle me right. So does "loudness" button more often than not, I sheepishly admit.
That is what I, kind of, thought, too. The point between tubes and SS ends up being no point at all, if we are trying to reproduce the actual live event. Too many other variables get involved. To start, unless it is classical music, even "acoustic" one does get through some mode of electronic processing almost all the time. Not while playing guitar at home, but any venue bigger than a living room or so. Chasing some sound with tubes or transistors does not do much for actual reproduction. And that is for live performances which are maybe a smaller percentage of music sold. Who on Earth knows how something was supposed to sound in that studio half the world away? Good news is that these days it is getting to electronic sounds anyway so we do not even need to talk about "more natural".

My previous post was because I happen to have been at that particular Leonard Cohen concert and that song was the highlight of the evening. I remember it really vividly as does probably everyone who was there. There is no way that any equipment at home would reproduce it. Tubes or SS. First someone has to built a sports arena and then damp it with a few thousand people and their winter coats. Traps, corner contraptions, and first reflection things just would not cut it. Until that happens, it is all just babbling, I think. Otherwise, I think SS is much more convenient as it does not require changes. Just like automatic transmission is. I am not sure about cables etc.

"Famous Autistic People...….Hans Christian Andersen"
Who diagnosed him?

In school, or was it kindergarten, we learned that he had liver cancer.

Hold on to your cars. You surely know that they don't make them like that anymore. As it is now, tubes will outlive manual transmissions.
I am sitting and listening to a live CD (Leonard Cohen, Can’t Forget: A Souvenir Of A Grand Tour. track 4 La Manic) wondering about this tube/transistor debate. What do sound systems at relatively large concerts use? Is it tubes? Is it solid state? If I wanted to reproduce what I heard at the concert, would it make more sense to use something more similar to what I listened to during the live performance?

For this particular concert, I highly doubt any kind of home equipment would put you back there. CD is good, but the sound is not right.

It is puzzling that all that you wrote somehow escapes the reality check among enthusiasts. Again, long live tubes, but on any scale they are virtually non-existent. As a poster, I forgot who it was, noted is just plain economy.

Tubes are a niche product with some value for those who like them to the level of idolizing, but so is my manual transmission.

I was not trying to poach threads, but have been annoyed by this ridiculing of Asperger's. Instead, I thought of a little awareness raising for other things, too. Different syndrome every month. Until those peaches and hamburgers go away.
If this turns into some RNA/DNA/abnormalities thread, can we make sure to leave geoffkait's favorite syndrome out of discussion?

September is the month for Erdheim-Chester awareness here. It hits you in 50s, or later, so many here may start taking notice.
How puerile, but predictable.
Why do we say "kidding" for something that is not supposed to be serious when kids take everything seriously?

I have no problem with whatever language, but if it is some sort of race, I can report it for the benefit of competitive spirit.

The guy seems quite sanguine to your fixation with him.
To tell you the truth, I would not mind joking with geoffkait, if it were leveled. I enjoy a little bit of multi-faceted humor involving a few topics at once. However, like this, I have to make sure my references do not go above what I learned in elementary school.
Then the thread will be "What if our brain implants were made with tubes"

Leave diagnosing to those with more logical and systematic approach. Your way would not get you through CS, much less through anything in real life.
That is something. How likely is it that patrons of some saloon in Tombstone were speaking Latin to each other? I have not been in Tombstone in years, but even then it did not seem likely.


Vinum bonum, pax in domum. In fact, we used to substitute "vinum" but I am afraid that "algorithm" would go nuts.

Erdheim-Chester is the syndrome of the month. Raise awareness.