Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 

Showing 9 responses by mapman

Not only that but fact is Amish kids love their high end car stereos in their barn. No joke. They bought them in the store I worked in back then all the time. Is Radio Shack high end enough? It is for Amish kids.

While on the topic I gotta say that may be the tastiest looking pizza I have personally seen in quite a while!   Go Amish!
Any old Amish recipe for oregano on pizza?
Looks delicious, very high end!   Look at all those ingredients!    Go completely wild and toss some oregano on there.

To think Amish take pride in being plain. Whodathunkit?
Pop quiz:
How many "trolls" does it take to effectively banish the King Troll you know who?
The only real difference is that those 147 paid attention and thought about the subject.

Children are born naturally curious to learn and stay that way if they are fortunate unlike our favorite child here, know-it-all GK, of course.
Glupson you should feel special  GK likes to stalk,  chat with and trash you.   It means he likes you or maybe just that he thinks you are worth his trashing.   It's a very special honor and you should be proud!  If you stop he will miss you and wonder where you went like a little puppy.   
BTW there is something to be said for the less obtrusive sound of soft clipping tube amps. Class D amps seem to commonly do that nice trick these days though as well.  As do a handful of others.

Hard versus soft clipping might be more relevant to how good gear commonly sounds in comparison than tube versus SS.  Any thoughts on that?
I got 6 count em 6 tubes in my ARC pre-amp.

This is as far as tubes got in my system.

They sound very good and different but not better than my all digital Class D integrated amp in the other system that convinced me when it comes time for the next pre-amp change the tubes may be gone altogether.

I had two mhdt DACs, similar design, one with tube output stage and one without. I still have the one with no tube. I found I was rolling tubes to get the tube DAC to sound like the non-tube one. So goodbye tube. Those looking for a softer warmer sound would have liked the tube DAC better at least for acoustic instruments but enjoyment of electronic music suffered. Different strokes......

I have one pair of small monitors that are tube friendly.   I might give that a shot someday just for something a little different.

Very creative phrasing to restart the same old tube versus SS debate. :-)
If modern digital streaming came first there surely would be no records.

Tubes were a step along the way to where we are today.

If a transistor looked like a tube and a tube looked like a transistor and transistors came first, ta ta tubes.