Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 

Showing 13 responses by inna

Convenience is what destroys art and quality, in time it destroys mind as well. What's the problem with changing tubes ? Some NOS tubes are quite expensive and difficult to find, though. 
Both tubes and transistors suck and hybrids double that. I wait for the third way to be invented. But since no-one invents anything significant anymore the wait might be for nothing. Still hoping.
We are as far from real sound in reproduction as we were before tubes and transistors. Sure, best examples of both can sound acceptable, let's just not fool ourselves. Well, that was wrong, let's keep fooling ourselves. But it is getting more difficult for me.
Vinyl degrades every time you play it ? Maybe so but I can't hear it. I do treat records with LAST. Good vinyl played on good set-up thru good phono sounds the same after many plays. Eventually noise increases. Tape is better in this respect - hundreds of plays without deterioration.

kosst_amojan, no not 50 plays. It depends, can easily be 200-300.
But you are right, and I mentioned it before too - it's a rough ride. I am a tape head, anyway. I got one Maxell Vertex cassette that I played more than 500 times on my Nak. Yes, mechanically not as smooth as new when you rewind it, which I normally never do, I just checked a few times. It sounds very close to the first time. Maybe hundred times more before I have to replace it.
Soon enough we all will have brain implants and there will be no need for either tubes or transistors. Well, not us, in couple of generations maybe.
Yeah, brain implants with tubes, dick implants with transistors. Or would it be better the other way around? They'll figure it out, I don't even want to think about it.
Computers and digiheads are overtaking everything. Half the jobs are associated with taking care of computers. But there are islands of resistance. You are not audiophile if you listen in digital what was recorded in analog. Tubes/transistors is a complicated subject.
It should not be too inconvenient. Suppose, one would have to clean stylus for 30 minutes before each play. How many would do it ? 
Or replacing tubes every day. 
This is an interesting subject.
Ralph where are you ? Besides tubes what is not exactly Western in those amps of yours ?
I would not be so sure when it comes to Gryphon, Ypsilon, Wavac, Allnic, Swiss electronics etc.
Yeah, why it matters is a subject that cannot really be discussed here besides the quality point. Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are not third world countries. 
It is very easy to know if told.
Bloody transistors age too, and well-made tube amp should last for 100 years with maybe couple of repairs.
I don't like only two things about tube amps - bad tubes occasionally blowing up and running out supply of good NOS tubes. I am sorry, I don't want third world made parts in my equipment. Some Russian tubes would do because they have a very long standing tradition of making tubes for the military. But you can't count on them, they may stop making them at any moment.
Are you saying that transistors process the signal, the result of this processing being a representation of the signal, that's amplification is only part of what happens during that processing ? And if so the outcome will always or almost always be a less pure signal compared to tubes.
I see, very interesting. I am not a technical person and have no clue.
No wonder, tubes have such a cult following.