Try and get a listen to a Connie-J PFR solid state preamp. Very flexible inputs and IMO, sonically superior to the AI Mod 3A. They go used for about $1100.
Solid State replacement for AI Modulus 3A.
Fellow Audiogoners,
At $1500 used price, are there any solid state or tube preamps that sound better than the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A (1999 model)? I am looking for more resolution and detail less the tube coloration, while not sacrificing musicality and soundstaging.
I found the M3A to be a great value, but I like a more detailed and neutral sound. Rest of system is:
Arcam FMJ CD23T
Mark Levinson No. 331 power amp
Wilson Watt 3 Puppy 2 speakers
Tranparent Super XL interconnects and speaker cables
Thank you.
At $1500 used price, are there any solid state or tube preamps that sound better than the Audible Illusions Modulus 3A (1999 model)? I am looking for more resolution and detail less the tube coloration, while not sacrificing musicality and soundstaging.
I found the M3A to be a great value, but I like a more detailed and neutral sound. Rest of system is:
Arcam FMJ CD23T
Mark Levinson No. 331 power amp
Wilson Watt 3 Puppy 2 speakers
Tranparent Super XL interconnects and speaker cables
Thank you.