Solid State Low powered Amplifiers

My quest is to find a SS low powered amplifier to use in the Summer months, in place of Tube and Class A amplification … I have Klipsch Cornwall 4s and limited AC in my hot TN listening room for 4-5 months. I know it will be hard to match the sound I get from tube and Class A …on a solid-state amp and I am wondering if I’m looking in the right place for a “10 W per channel” solid-state amplifier which I don’t even know if they make. The Cornwall speakers are 102 DB sensitivity.


Showing 3 responses by lanx0003

@jim2 An output imp. of 0.8 ohm is not low for a PA. Even the original Aegir is 10 times lower and, as such, a damping factor of 100.  Why would Schiit lower DF? 

The Schiit Aegir 2 should be released before the end of the month. It sounds like they are playing with very low feedback. The Output Impedance is .8ohm… Damping Factor of 10.

While it may appear logical to pair a speaker of high sensitivity like the Cornwall IV with lower-power amplifiers, experience suggests that more power can result in better performance. See the following review (but not limited to).

With technological advancements, a well-designed and constructed Class A amplifier does not generate as much heat as it used to. The Accuphase A75, if you can afford it (or are willing to), is a good example. I spent a good hour auditioning it in a store, and to my surprise, it does not feel hot. Feedback from its users echoes the same sentiment.

While rated 150 wpc (8 ohms; 225 wpc 4/2 ohms), 35 amp high current pc, my class A/B Parasound NC 2125 v2 generates much less heat when switching to 2-4 ohm stable operation load tap, as compared to another class A/B A23 and it sounds better to my ears. Specs like SNR is better than some aforementioned gears.

Heat is less of an issue and concern nowadays if you delve into the subject further. Don’t settle for the fantasy of using a low-powered amp for less performance with a $6-7k speaker.

One benefit bestowed on the systems’ sound with the ModWright’s 225 Watts was, you guessed it, more control throughout the frequency range. With the ModWright driving the Klipsch, the overall presentation was more balanced, more put together compared to either of the tube amp partners while tone and texture felt very nearly as full as it did with the Feliks 300B. What’s more, the system’s ability to reproduce subtlety also improved along with greater dynamic slam. A win, win, win in my book.

Lower DF implies higher output imp.  Does lowering output imp. make it sound better as you said earlier or the other way around?  Did you notice you are conflicting with yourself? 

BTW, lower output impedance does not make the power amp sound more musical.  Where did you get the idea from?

With that low Output Impedance, I expect it to be very musical