Solid state amp vs tube amps

Is there a noticeable difference in the sound quality of Tube amplifiers vs solid state amplifier?


Showing 1 response by carlsbad2

Yes.   Anyway a big difference in sound...hard to use "quality" as a measurement of a subjective essence such as sound. 

Everyone has their opinion, as you see above.  But the main difference is power.  SET tube amps are generally 10 wpc or less and require high sensitivity speakers. Those who dedicate to build thier system around them tend to be prejudiced in support of them.

Those with less sensitive speaker, most people, become dedicated solid state guys.  they have no choice, and they often rationalize and justify their position and become ss guys.  They tend to be less supportive of tube amps.

In between you have to push-pull amp guys who have moderate power, can use speakers a little less sensitive and try to pretend their push pull amp is as good as an SET.

My point is we all end up in camps supporting what we like and it is unusual to find someone who is agnostic in the tube/ss debate.

So it is really impossible to decide which one you are without listening, unless you want to just side with the one with the best writing style.
