Solid core OFC vs stranded OCC copper

Which would you chose and why? Benefits and drawbacks of each? 



Showing 3 responses by carlsbad

OK.  So talking speaker cables.  I'm not aware of anyone using solid core cables for speaker cables.  Speaker cables should be at least 12 awg and preferably 10 awg.  That would be very stiff.  

Speaker cables can be made by weaving individual strands of solid core ofc copper into a round braid.  12 strands of 22 gauge is 11awg equivalent so weave 24 strands (half for positive and half for ground) would make a good cable.  I use a very similar speaker cable but each of the woven strands is also stranded.  I am very happy with their performance.

I do use ofc solid braided interconnects.


@goodlistening64 I tend to go the other way. I would not try a cable that was only 15 awg.

That said, it would probably be fine on low power systems or systems with an active bass driver.

Edit to add:  I am intrigued by a speaker cable that is stiff enough to stay where you put it rather than lay where it wants to lay.  Audioquest has a free in home trial.  My system is using less that one watt per channel....maybe I should consider it.
