Solar-powered battery running my system

We're getting solar for our house and will be generating a pile of free electricity. We'll also have battery backup. I now have to choose what systems to put on the backup power panel for outages.
This also gives me the opportunity to make my full surround listening rig one of those. I've read a lot of people talking about the horrors of "dirty" power from the grid. This will be the cleanest, sun-produced, electric manna from heaven stored in a Tesla Powerwall and available every day. Is this really the amazing upgrade the power fans claim? The cost to me is pretty minimal to have it run my system.


Showing 1 response by artemus_5

I'd love to hear a your impressions  in 6 months or so. And as has been pointed out, your solar power is no cleaner than the inverter makes it. Plus you are off the grid and so you won't have the next door neighbors grunge in your electricity as long as you stay on the battery. and off the grid