software for converting to digital?

I plan to start converting my vinyl to digital files. I'll be using an ADL Esprit to perform the analog to digital conversion. I'd like suggestions for good software to mange the importation of the files. Audacity? Exact Audio Copy? Any suggestions on quality/fidelity, ease of use, tagging, etc would help. For that matter, any suggestions on how to approach this arduous project would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by dtc

I would consider Vinyl Studio. It does not have as many options as Audacity to modify the sound, but my guess is you will probably not use those Audacity features anyway. Vinyl Studio does have one big advantage in that it can lookup your album in an online database and provide tag information like track timing and track names. I use it with existing files, but it can also control the recording process. It has a free demo version and only costs $29 for the full version. It takes a little getting used to, as do all these programs, but I have found it easy to use and the album lookup is a great feature. The click removal also works well.