So what ever happened to Kinki Studio???

Wasn't Kinki Studio all the rage when they first came on the US scene with a quasi-US Distributor?  It seemed like there was no shortage of positive feedback and people who either owned one and were blown away or people who wanted one and couldn't stop posting about them.

Now that there is a new Distributor, why so quiet? Where did all the hype go?
Referring back to the original post, what did happen to Kinki, at least in the US?

I would be very interested in purchasing the  EX-M1+ int amp. There had been only one authorized US distributor, now that is gone. Would have thought they would have expanded into the US, instead they pulled back. Presently there is only one Canadian (near Toronto) distributor authorized to handle mailorder sales to the entire US.

To me $3kUSD is a lot of money to commit, with having a bit of concern about Kinki's future US support. I do see the value in the product, I'm just wavering on this purchase.
they just announced two service centers in the US. also when you add distributors the price goes up.
The reality the amps aren't as impressive as the universally ultra positive reviews make them out to be. I never heard one but just looking at the internals made me suspicious of it. It looks like a low-cost simple design sold at a hefty markup. For some reason a bunch of hype went out on the forums and and positive-feedback types about how they were a killer value. And the reality is everyone sells them after a while because they're actually not a great value at all. It's frustrating that we're absolutely swamped with ultra positive reviews. It could also be the first distributor ran a marketing campaign.
Sounds like a lot of veiled China bashing, to me. HiFiZero shows 3 for sale in Hong Kong, 5 in Canada and 3 in the US. All on one page. That’s not a lot. USAudiomart has just 1. Searching something like Krell shows many multiples of that running about 4 pages. Just saying.

Oh, and going by the looks and being suspicious sounds like good old trolling. Lots of reviewers still own theirs as well. One in Ireland, at least 3 in Germany, etc. Haters gotta hate, I guess.

All the best,