So much Bach, where do I start?

I think I could really get into J.S. Bach, but I want to start with music that has characteristics I know I like.
up tempo,
different voices simultainously playing different melodic lines,
modern recording,
virtuosity (duh)

organs (from what little I've percussive faculty)
quiet music (for the moment)

I've been researching some with Napster and for soloists I like really like Casalas and Segovia, but the recording quality is kind of distracting to me. I also quite like the Double Violin Conerto Viviance (even despite the harpsicord ;) it's the only non-solo music I've found so far) and the piano Fugue stuff.
So, any particular CDs to check out? I need something to compliment my first good stereo system!

Showing 2 responses by sugarbrie

Yes, try the Orchestra Suites also. If not a somplete set, I think #2 is the most popular??
Everyone should have a set of the Brandenburg Concertos. Modern recording, but then again do you prefer modern or original instruments? There are two modern recorded original instrument recordings out currently. One by Trevor Pinnock and the other the Boston Baroque/Perlmann. If you like modern instruments then look for Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields.

For voices Bach's cantatas are a good bet. There are hundreds of these. Other than the above artist look for John Elliot Gardiner, Helmut Rilling, and Ton Koopman. There is also the B Minor Mass, St. John Passion, St. Matthew Passion. It you want an overdose of Bach, Helmut Rilling is recording all of Bach's works in a mega CD set, The Complete Works of Bach. It will be hundreds of CDs. (Can be purchased in partial sets.)