So It`s Ok To Mix and Match Ported and Sealed Subwoofers ??

I`m completely set on adding 2-4 more subs in addition to the one I have now.

Seemed the concensus was to either run ported or sealed not both.
In a music only system like mine the vast majority say to go sealed.

I now realize that the Original Swarm uses ported subs...somehow I missed that part, so there goes the sealed only for music idea !
Then, I see where in a room like mine I might be better off using a mix of ported AND sealed.

My room is about 20' x 17' with a slanted vaulted ceiling 12' at the peak.
There`s a hallway at the left corner on the front wall and another hallway on the back wall in the corner.

There`s a set of double doors to the left that open to a family room/kitchen area. . The double doors are open at the top so it`s not a sealed room.

 So...IS IT ok to mix ported and sealed then ?


Showing 9 responses by scm

On point 1:
I have a decent amount of room treatments in place already, multiple panels of 2"  and 4" Owens Corning DIY plus corner traps...Massive improvement ! and yes that`s a great suggestion.

On point 2:
Are you are suggesting that I top out at 2 maybe 3 subs total and that it doesn`t matter wether sealed or ported ?

On point 3:
That sounds good

big_greg that`s some nice subs you have !
On the Rythmik`s, the entry level ones don`t have speaker level inputs unfortunately.

millercarbon...I can believe what you say wholeheartedly.
I sometimes wonder if the same effect of a DBA setup can be had with way lesser priced subs !?
I mean your just pressurizing the room right ?

When you think about it in the simplest way the swarm is just 4 passive boxes with a relatively inexpensive 10'' woofer in each one.  
Makes me wonder

rego..thanks, that`s a common idea no doubt.
Thanks guys for helping out.

Millercarbon...that`s encouraging to see that there should be no issues using ported and sealed subs together. the very least I`ll add two but I`m not afraid to add 4 if I want.
This Forum and a few others that I frequent are what got me interested in the idea.
I like the idea of eliminating the need for room correction devices I`ve read a lot about it and I`m not interested in it at all.

I`ve also read that 3 subs can pretty much rival 4 if everything melds.

The sub I use now is a sealed box Revel Ultima15 powered by the same amp used in the swarm. At that rate then maybe just two will suffice.

I like Rythmik subs and my daughter and her husband uses one with the GR Research woofer in it with their MMG`s.
But I don`t think I need to spend that much so I`m leaning to the smallish SVS SB/PB 1000.
I want subs with speaker level inputs to daisy chain off my main amp.

My main speakers are ported but they have a 3 position dial on the back for room boundary adjustments. 


Tim..My main speakers are Revel F52`s and I REALLY want to keep the Revel sub in play.
The SVS SB/PB 1000 are the ones I`m seriously considering.
45 days to see if they are a good fit and free shipping both ways (If not)
The 3 sub idea sounds good....and as to budget, the cheaper the better !

millercarbon :
  If you want to see what DIY with freebie cabs can look like, my system is now posted.
 Very NICE setup Chuck !!  The subs look beautiful
Update !

I decided to just  add two more subs.
I bought a pair of HSU ULS-15 mk2`s they are on their way from HSU right now.
They are a satin get the Rosewood finish like Chucks it would have been an additional $300 or so unfortunately :(
They are supposed to be a very musical sub from all that I read and that was a huge part of my final decision making.

So I`ll have my 15" Revel sub plus the two HSU 15" `s and a 10" powered sub all sealed versions.
I`m hoping the subs will do well enough in my 3800 cu ft room....will see 
Erik...I`m looking forward to them !

Tim...I`ve done the crawl method a few times over the years.
Sub placed at the listening spot then the crawl .
I mark the different spots that have strong bass with tape on the floor.

Then I would go back and pick which spot has the best tone.
I plan on doing that with each sub...including the 10" :)

FedEx initially said the subs would be here Weds, just got a txt earlier saying 1 of the 2 will be here tomorrow Tues.
Seems the subs went their separate ways at the Louisiana facility so 1 went out from there later than the other.
Oh well....should be interesting and fun even with just the one !