So how's it going with HD DVD?

So every time I go past the HD dvd display at Best Buy, It seems like there's cobwebs on the dvd display and stacks of players!...which don't seem to be moving!!
My first impression is that I don't think most anyone knows nor cares about the whole format. Probably doesn't help that most people have small displays/monitors anyway, and are perfectly happy to keep there noses put in the DVD section.
Anyone else here get that same impression? My worst concern here is that the whole HD dvd upgrade thing falls flat on it's face, and we end up where SACD/DVD awareness is, having most everyone still buying marketed standard cd's!
Does anyone else here get the feeling HD DVD will be like what Laser disc and then D-VHS was, niche market formats that few knew even existed?

Showing 2 responses by kennyt

OK, I will offer the other side of the coin...

I got my first Toshiba HD XA1 two days ago, it was unable to play HD DVD's but would regular disks, so the new one came today. Did I need it?? No. I also don't need the various universal/SACD/DVD-Audio players that seem to be in systems, and some on the breakfast table as I just redid both my main systems, but being a nerd, like the new stuff, so I bought one as soon as I saw Blazing Saddles was out in HD.

I hate to say it, but I will likely buy a Blu Ray player (The format I feel is better) once they come out too.

As far as Best Buy, my local BB took down the display as the players are backordered and they were getting so many questions about them they decided it was easier to wait to redisplay the player until more units came in.

Will one or both survive?? I don't know, but for the $700 this player costs, I plan to enjoy it while I can.
I just got to watch my first HD DVD movie last night, and the difference between it and the regular DVD is incredible, the video is so clear!!! As for HDMI issues, I have had none. I do find the player to be slow, to load, access, etc. but this is a first generation unit so I am not surprised.