So how do these new bots make money?

One thing I'm rather curious about is how the new batch of bots get monetized. A lot of them seem to be... generic buzz creators like... "hey why is brand Z not talked about more?? "

And yeah,  clearly they are either automated or at least, not sincere.  I'm curious how they get paid though.  I mean, if you are a reputable manufacturer of consumer goods, do you pay for stuff like that??


Showing 1 response by nonoise

Bots and the people who use them have honed their craft in politics for many years now. Doing this on an audio site for criminal gain would be small potatoes. It was going to happen eventually.

Once Prigozhin lost his mercenary army and went into exile, his online hacking business, The Internet Research Agency, along with it’s 1000 member troll farm (the Trolls from Olgino) and the bots they created had to find a new source of revenue. They even had a couple hundred Americans working with them.

Just two days ago I got a letter from my retirement fund informing me that a 3rd party member of theirs was hacked and that about 400,000 members had their name, date of birth, and SSN stolen. What I got out of it was a free 2 year membership with Experian IdentiyWorks and daily monitoring of my account.

They’re clumsy enough now to be detected now but watch out when they perfect their techniques. What a world, eh?

All the best,