Smooth, "Film Like" Treble: Happiness At Last...

While fiddling with my television and LCD projector, I had a new insight into the interconnectedness of high fidelity audio and home theatre.

According to my video test DVD and literature, most TVs -- even really good ones -- are set way too "hot" at the factory in order to stand out on a display of fifty TVs at Circuit City or something.

Adjusting my TV and projector according to the test disc results in a strangely dull picture at first which makes you wonder if the calibration material is accurate.

"Sharpness" in particular, ends up all the way down, at its LOWEST setting in contrast to my normal temptation to have it almost near it HIGHEST setting.

According to the literature, what we initially perceive as sharpness is actually distortion and turning it down results in a smoother, more film like image.

Over time, it does indeed look much better.

The relation to audio occured to me when installing two custom made tweeter attenuators for my Magneplanar Tympani ribbons. The reduction of 6 db initially seemed a bit dull, but after a short period of time, my ears seem to have adjusted and I love it!!

No more fatigue, no more brightness, bad recordings are easier to listen to, everything just sounds more natural and more musical. Perhaps the impression of slightly less "resolution" but still with wonderful detail -- just sounds better.

Could even high end manufacturers -- like Bose ?!?!? -- tweak their gear to grab your attention in a high fi store demo in ways that impede long term satisfaction at home?

Has anyone else thought about this?

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

Most likely it is because Joe Consumer thinks that is what a good picture and good sound is. Joe wants the distorted 3D video effect. Also take subwoofers for example. We want something that flushes out the low level detail and nuance in the music; Joe Consumer wants something that rattles the windows.

Lugnut is right about photography. In addition to Fuji film, most typical 35mm cameras sold to the public do not have lenses that produce a natural image. They produce a slightly exaggerated image, so it will jumps off the paper and makes a typical 4X6 snapshot look "sharper" on a quick glance.