Smooth Highs and Deep Bass

Looking for advise on an RCA interconnect that can tame the digital edge from my SS ARC CD3 mkII and also has low-end extension.

System is:
Rogue Preseus Magnum preamp (w/ Mullards), Sunfire 300, Gallo Classico CL-3’s, Blue Circle Power conditioning

Cables are:
Purist Audio Museous IC from pre to amp
Purist Audio Aqueous speaker cables
Audience PowerChords

For the CDP, I have tried Cardas Parsec and Clear Sky; did a great job of smoothing out the highs, but had no low-end.
Cardas Clear Light; too harsh, but great dynamics.
Cardas Golden Reference; too coloured.
Purist Museous; highs were not smooth enough, great dynamics.

Budget is under $500 (1 meter), not looking for a detailed cable, system already has detail.
Need smooth highs, open, with deep low-end. I’m already renting from the Cable Company and need additional assistance.


Showing 1 response by inna

Purist Maximus or Colossus, either fluid or ferox. I have and use both with ferox, before that had the same Maximus with fluid. Colossus goes from phono to integrated, Maximus from deck or cd player to integrated. Both have great bass and dynamics, Colossus is better but Maximus is warmer. Excellent soundstage, highs are smooth and sufficiently extended, at least for me. Maximus ferox has better resolution and bass than fluid, though the fluid is excellent too. Ferox is also a little quieter, fluid is warmer.
I also have Colossus fluid speaker cables - excellent. 
They are not easy to find.
The newest Purist Poseidon fluid will be better than either in every respect. It would probably cost you about $700 new for a pair, and it just might be worth it. I am going to replace my Maximus with it soon enough, finances permitting.