SME Model 15 MK2 vs Feickert Blackbird or Firebird or Sota Millennia Eclipse

Considering possible turntable upgrades.  I have an SME IV.VI arm from about 10-15 years ago and an older Sota Star Sapphire table with vacuum hold down. 

Option 1 - SME Modem 15 MK 2 with new motor

Option 2 - Feickert Blackbird or Firebird

Option 3 - Upgrade my Sota to a new Millennia Eclipse

Thank you!


Showing 1 response by karl_desch

I say stick with your SOTA and upgrade if you want.  All the tables you list, including the TechDas, are fantastic.  None of them will fundamentally change what you get out of your records compared to the SOTA. I personally would think about a new tonearm (Kuzma 4 point 9? Audiomods?, Schroder?).  Don't know what cartridge or phono pre you are using.