SME 345

I'm trying to find specs on a SME 345 but I´m unable to find it anywhere. More to the point, I´d like to know where to place this arm in the current SME line-up, since I´m considering upgrading my Origin Live OL1 for use with a brand new VDH Frog Gold MK2
I know that this arm was matched with the Oracle Delphi MKV tt, but cannot get any info. Any help?
brgds, Marcelo

Showing 1 response by ella4ever

To Skand,
I have the Oracle DelphiV and an SME 345. You may wish to consider the Dynavector line. I am currently running a Te Kaitora Rua but have heard all the Dyna carts in my system and think they are a very very good match.IMO of course.