SME 3012 Help

I just received a SME 3012 Series2 arm, and I am concerned by the looseness of the bearing housing. Specifically, it rocks and twists. I have a SME III which feels much more secure. Is this normal for this arm?

Showing 2 responses by belyin

I have finally mounted it on a homemade birch ply plinth with a Technics SP-10MKII; I should have it up and running tonight. The cartridge will be a Denon DL103 mounted in an Audioquest (Orsonic clone) headshell. I also have a Shure V15VxMR in the SME headshell to try as well. If I don't like the Technics, I will try the arm on a Thorens TD-124, once I get an extended armboard for it. (The Thorens motor needs to be be taken apart and cleaned, I fear. It has noise and speed issues.)
The Shure does sound good. The arm is a little heavy to be ideal for the Shure, but in practice it is not much of a problem; the built in damper helps of course.

I prefer the Denon DL103, or at least I did on a SME IIIs(!) with a ballast weight at the headshell and a little lead tape to add mass. I know the Orsonic (or in my case Audioquest) headshell is said to be a good match for the Denon, but in my case it is too heavy. I can't balance the arm without adding lead tape to the counter weight, and the resonance is too low--7hz. As I should have realized with my success using the Denon on the IIIs, it compliance is not nearly as low (in practice) as the stated figure, which in Denon's defence is given at a different frequency than it is commonly expressed, at least in the arm/cartridge compatibility charts. I will try mounting the Denon on the light SME headshell, and if that is too light, I will try something in between like the Sumiko.