SME 20/3 --- tonearm recommendations!?

Hello Gon'ers - I have an SME 20/3 coming, recently purchased on Audiogon. I'm trying to decide what tonearm will fit the table and be a good match. I considered Graham Engineering but I have a similar setup already (30/2 + Graham Phantom II). The tonearm will be mated with my Koetsu Urshi Blue cartridge. I generally listen to Jazz and classic rock, but also enjoy most any genre. Will be mated to a Pass Labs XP-25 preamp. 

I've considered an SME IV modified (new bearings, new wiring), or one of the Kuzma tonearms. They seem to be on vogue but I don't know much about them (or it they will fit the SME).
Dear @syntax  : Of course I have my tonearm prototype and twice in different threads two gentlemans that seen and listen to it posted about.

Pictures? why that curiosity when you are " done " in all audio devices? for what you posted you don't need nothing and less learn on any audio subject, at least is your way of thinking.

Btw, I can see that you still use the tube bad copycat of a vintage French unit and certainly you are proudly of it. Good.

As you said:  "  But each his own :-) "


Yes I had it mated with a Vinylista plinth and an updated SP-10 MKII turntable. Great combination. The Ikeda is a work of art. For sale on US AudioMart.
The Koetsu has a compliance of 5 @100Hz,an 18g EM tonearm shouldn't be too far out.
Syntax. What is warp wow and how does the geometry of a tonearm's bearings affect this? Tonearm resonate. How do you split and minimize the resonance? Any idea?