Smallish room speakers

I have a small room (12 by 14feet) dedicated to 2 or 2.1 channel sound.  I went through a few vintage configs but finally went with an NAD M22 amp with a McIntosh vintage preamp using some vintage speakers.  I was looking to upgrade speakers and I visited a great shop in Bensalem PA to audition some vintage speakers on sale and owner showed me KEF LS50s.  I bought them on the spot (had to wait a week for them to be ordered).  I added a compact sub SVS.  I really enjoyed this setup but after reading about Tekton I contacted company and spoke with owner Eric - was told impact monitors would be a significant upgrade over what I was using.  I bought them and I would disagree.  There is something quite special about the LS50s.  In my home theater I have Pioneer S 2EX monitors (6K$).  I swapped them in for my KEFs and was disappointed and they went back into my HT.  Tektons pretty much same.  I decided to simplify things and bought the NAD M33 integrated with room correction EQ.  Brought Tektons somewhat to life.  This was very recent and I haven’t tried with the KEFs.  I plan on auditioning the KEF Reference 1 which I’m told would be significant upgrade to my LS50s and I would imagine to the Tekton Compact Monitors.  For some reason the KEFs put a smile on my face and I don’t get that with the Tektons.  
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Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

There are a bunch of speakers that you may like better/worse than the Kefs.  The Ref1s are a brilliant option though and one you should consider.  

Alternative that are worth checking out as they :

Focal Kanta No 1 and Sopra No 1.  They are both brialliant, great sounding speakers.  Incredibly detailed with good bass.  They will work with that amp.  I have a pair of Sopra No 1s in stock in black. 

The Perlisten S4b is priced similarly to the Kefs.  Super flexible in terms of placement as it is a sealed box.  Is easy to integrate with a sub and is a good match for that amp.  I have these on display and a pair in stock and they are just awesome sounding.  

The Vivid Kaya S12 is an interesting speaker and again, is a sealed design and is very easy to place.  Easy to drive with a massive sound for such a small speaker.

You have a VERY good amp for the money and sticking with it is a good choice for now. It will drive a lot of great speakers and sound fabulous.  

I find the obsession with REL confusing, especially in small rooms.  The passive radiator creates an interesting challenge for placement and I have multiple customers who have reported real challenges in rooms that size.  A pure, sealed sub like the SVS is often easier to place and work with, especially in a small room.