smaller speaker suggestions

As many of you know one of the keys to a happy marriage is having the ability to say "yes dear".
I've been "asked" to downsize the size of speakers from the current Spendor SP1/2's (24t x 12w x 12d) to ?
The room is 13 feet wide by 16 feet.
Amp: Musical Fidelity A308cr with a Audio Research LS15 pre.
Musical taste - very eclectic (no head banging/rap/opera)
Speaker attribute - along the lines of the Spendor which I feel is best described as "musical".
Limited to a spacing of no more than two feet off the wall.
Speakers will reside on the narrow wall.
Now I realize it will be my ears that are the deciding factor as to what is purchased however I'd like some suggestions from those out in cyberspace that have already gone through the trials and tribulations of choosing a smaller speaker.
3k a pair is the upper spending limit.
Thanks in advance for any and all insightful responses.

Showing 3 responses by hbarrel

She let's me go play golf ANY time I want and never reminds me about her levity.
For that alone I'm willing to make sacrifices.
About the stands, we do realize they are a necessary evil.
She just wants something that doesn't "look" so large.
I'd imagine there might even be some small towers that would fit the bill. I don't know about placement when it comes to towers.
An update.
My previous system has all been sold. (except CD player)
The Spendor 1/2E's (great speakers) are sadly gone, the amp and preamp both have new homes. (Can't go wrong with an Audio Research LS-15)
A Blue Circle NSCS integrated amplifier is on order. And I found the perfect speakers.
The speakers require no stands or spikes and are only 26" tall.
They acheived my goals' of sounding excellent, fitting the room, being aesthetically acceptable and don't bring attention to themselves but rather hightlight the system as a whole.
I say this after hearing the speakers on a vintage 1970's Denon PMA-770 integrated amp I drug up up from my father's basement and while using vintage seventies lamp cord for speaker wires.
I realize the speakers are not for everyone, (I've never seen a set for sale on Audiogon) but they are the speakers for me.
Shahinian Arc's.