Small speaker advice

Greetings and salutations fellow audiophiles!  Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.  
     I am moving into an apartment for a year or so after living in a house with a dedicated listing room (divorce).  I’m looking to find a speaker to replace my ML Summit stats.  Not easy to replicate I know which is why I’m soliciting advice.  My max price range about 10k is give or take a few thousand. 
     Room is about 11’w X 12’d.  
I have a pair of Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grands I can also use but I need to upgrade their tweeters to get the best out of them.  So before I go that route and spend the $$ I’m considering selling them for something better suited to a room so small.  The Wilson Tune Dots are a contender. Never had a pair of Wilson’s. Love their sound and was thinking of inevitability replacing the Summits with them one day.  Head in a vice takes a toll after a while. 

My equipment consists of:

PS Audio BHK 250. Tube input stage with MOSFET output love its sound.
Krell KSA 2 preamp
My media choice is Vinyl and DSD.
I listen to classic rock, soul, jazz, electronic, and generally well recorded music.  No hard rock, rap, or otherwise. 

What I like is a speaker that can convey high detail with an open airy sound. Imaging is particularly important.  I’m fortunate enough to have the ability to hear higher frequency range with my 50 yr old ears (per my recent hearing test) 

Again thanks for sharing your experiences and advice!


Take a look at  Von Gaylord and the “Return of the Legend” speakers. They are small stand mount monitors, reasonable efficiency and the freq. response is 28hZ -20 kHz Fit and finish is top notch, can be bi-wired or bi-amped. Made in America. Price $5k



Dave and Troy as a frequent reader I am impressed with you regular advise and opinon your love of audio shows, just saying.

Your in a smaller room so having something that will work nearer the wall, etc... could be nice.  I am biased (as a dealer for them) but the P1.0 monitor is quite nice from Wilson-Benesch.  It is bottom ported near the stand rather than rear ported so it performs well within two feet of the wall.  The Audiovector R1 Arrete is also a nice monitor.  The AMT and rear firing driver are designed to give you a more immersive listening experience.  Both are very easy to place and will work with your other gear quite well.  

If your room was bigger I would say look at Borreson or Raidho but you will struggle with placement in that space.  Wilson can also requires a lot of effort to get right.  After I got divorced I bought a pair of X-1s for an apartment and NYC and ultimately traded them for a DAC as they never worked in my space.  

Full disclosure, I am a dealer for Audiovector, Wilson Benesch and Raidho.  I have no relationship with Borreson.  

I moved to a smaller space and had to overcome bass nulls and side wall reflections. GIK had a lot of floorstanding options with diffusion/ absorption and after several weekly shipments I’m enjoying the music again. Good luck!