Small size tube amps...any recommendations??

I'd like to know if there are triode or whatever amps out there that use skinny power tubes the size of a pinkie....that don't use bigger EL34 or 6550 size tubes.

I have relatively efficient speakers...Soliloquy 5.3 ...90dB...reportedly will play with as few as 8 watts.

A long time ago I heard a small amp with small-diameter power tubes and it sounded very nice - but I needed gobs of power then for my DQ 10's.

Please recommend some to check out.

Many thanks!


Showing 1 response by boa2

I have the 5.3's as well, and I've been auditioning SET amps all week. As low as 7 watts in a medium size room, and have not turned the amp past halfway. I don't know if you have purchased an amp yet, but I'd love to hear about what you've auditioned.
Also, I must mention that I have a set of DH-10's as well, and I've been getting MUCH more out of the speakers with Signal Cables shotgun bi-wire setup. In fact, they bested by far some cables that sell for $550, and I paid $180 for a 10' pair with banana plug upgrades.
Hope this is of help to you.