Small Room Speakers

The wife and I recently downsized to a much smaller house. My former listening room was rather large and well suited by B&W 803 D's. The new room is much smaller so its probably time to consider some smaller speakers.
The components the new speakers would be paired with are a McIntosh C245 with a pair of McIntosh MC402's. My prime listening tastes are blues, both acoustic and electric.
I'm still prone to louder volumes (too many years of racing motorcycles and cars)and I tend like a crisp sound. I don't know if "studio monitors" is where I should be looking or not. I fully intend to audition any alternatives, but am not sure where to start looking.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by sounds_real_audio

This is definitely the time to buy new speakers....are you have convinced your wife you need to have different....this is your chance don't blow it. What you want is speaker that have cabinets that don't resonate, that makes the room resonate as well. Monitors are good but don't limit yourself to monitors. Two brands that I sell would be fine in small or medium room the Tannoys and the Wilson Benesch.

No doubt someone else will have other suggestions.
